Career For Scientists
Lots of People while in their childhood says that they want to become a scientist. But when they grow up their decision changes.
They will opt only MBBS or B-tech or Management sides especially in India. As but now can any one answer the Name of a single Scientist in India Who Have born after 1965 except Abdul kalam.
Lets know how is the career of Scientists
The career for scientists COULD be good if the government started taking a lot more interest in education and research... I am not pointing fingers here... I am a budding scientist and I had to move away from the country to better my prospects.
Yea dude!! You are absolutely right. It is surprising that till now though we have developed our country in lots of aspects but v still didn't have a single Semi-Conductor Industry in India.
Not only Scientists but lots of people were made to use their intelligence for outher countries.
It is fact that v are giving away prosperity to other countries though v don't have it with us.
No dude!! You are wrong in this case. Now the Govt is also giving more priority for the scientists. They hav alloted 386 crore Rs and for Chandrayan-2 they have funded Rs 425 crore.