How can I be a good blogger?

Mr. Pramathesh Borkotoky
Mr. Pramathesh Borkotoky
from India
15 years ago

Only till lastyear, I was a total dumbo in writing. I am still a dumbo. But, this finacial year something changed and I started blogging regularly. Good or Bad, I don't know. But, definitely I want to improve in my latest hobby, which I want to continue till my last breath. SO, please tell me ways as how to  improve. I have seen ways to improve the traffic in various blogs. But, no post tells us ways to improve the quality of our posts. How to hold on the traffic, is the question not how to get the traffic.


My Blog

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
Mr. Pramathesh Borkotoky
Mr. Pramathesh Borkotoky
from India
15 years ago

Thanks Zabi, but as I told, getting traffic is not what I wanted. But, how to improve the quality of posts in my blog. 

from Sharjah
15 years ago

how to be a good blogger...hmmmm

this is a trick question , rite?...i think it does help if you are a good person to start with , the kind that doesnt trip the waiter or set the cat's tail on fire...setting the cats tail on fire is okay if the cat in question is the one who puked a chunk of hair ball into your which case u still remain a good person..and more importantly a happy person.

to be a good blogger, one needs to understand the 10 steps to great blogging.

- write nonsense and then visit other blogs and comment abt how great their blogs are..normally this will result them in doing u the same favour back...

- after several such comments and several bad blogs, u will start believing that ur blogs are really good. It goes with the theory that when a million people starts saying that a wrong is right, the wrong really does start becoming right, like in the case of reservation.

- once you gain that confidence, u will notice that ur blog really start becoming good, what u wont realize however is that in the blogsphere likes attract in reality what we hve attracted are the very same kind we really its a bit like patting ur own back...which even though slightly difficult and seemingly disturbing, nevertheless, still makes one feel good.

- the fourth rule in good blogging is to know what to write.

- Fifth is that the fourth rule is complete rubbish. Some of the best posts are ramblings that doesnt seem contrived. Its like having sex with your girlfriend in the back seat of a sedan; unexpected , crazy and totaly short, great sex. But dont ask ur girlfriend abt it, she will just deny it.

- tell u wht, why dont u now make the remaining 5?...i kind of have to get back that sedan..someone is waiting...

;)...chill pal...just enjoy wht u do...thats all tht really counts..



Neeraj Shinde
from Pune
15 years ago

A rambling reply in the true sense :)

;)...chill pal...just enjoy wht u do...thats all tht really counts..

Is what the real message I got! An artistic way to put it though!

Mr. Pramathesh Borkotoky
Mr. Pramathesh Borkotoky
from India
15 years ago

^O^  Thanks tys. I will remember the rules.

from Oslo
14 years ago

This is an excellent question. I am glad you're thinking in terms of improving your writing (content) as opposed to just increasing traffic. I wrote down my favourite tips for better writing earlier in the year. I hope you find them useful.

Just like anything else, good writing requires a lot of practice. Work out an hour a day, and you'll be fit. Write an hour a day and you'll become an effective writer.

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