Stray Dogs V/s Pet Dogs

15 years ago

The Karnataka Chief Justice of High Court’s observation that ‘NGOs & Dog lovers should keep stray dogs in their bedroom or bathroom’ has deep rooted thought to be tackled by civic authorities. The situation in Bangalore is alarming as compared to Mumbai.This issue was highlighted by the undersigned several times but no action was initiated by BBMP. When news of dog bites is flashed on front page of a newspaper, they just send the van, round up 1 or 2 dogs and that’s the end. They never visit again or go to the Next Street! The dog catching van should come again and again at different times including night visit at least for one week in all the streets so that one time escapee dog is caught some other day.The ABC (Animal Birth Control) programme initiated by health department has failed miserably. Mere ABC programme will not suffice. What about ferocious dogs which keep chasing and biting children and innocent people and those dogs which keep barking all night for no reason even after ABC. Such dogs need to be rounded up for culling. The role of so called Animal protection NGO’s is just reduced to oppose any move by BBMP to eliminate such dogs but they have done very little on their own to end this menace except feeding these menacing dogs whenever they come near their house! Unless some drastic steps are taken, people will keep getting terrorized by these unwanted pets.BBMP & NGOs should also discuss the issue of ‘Pet dogs’ hitherto neglected. The household pet dogs are also adding to the menace by barking on the slightest pretext at odd hours causing disturbance to peace of other residents. It is strange that many a times the owners do not bother to find out as to why their dog is barking and stop the dog from unnecessary barking. Owners of such pet dogs must understand that there are other residents also staying around their house where any ailing person, senior citizens or students are being disturbed-S.R.Ayyangar

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Correction in topic title
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Neeraj Shinde
Neeraj Shinde
from Pune
15 years ago

I completely agree with the views expresses above. All of us have been victims of the menace caused due to both Stray and Pet dogs sometime or the other! Recently, a terrifying news of a group of dogs attacking a small kid was highlighted. I believe, many of such cases are almost left unentertained. The terror caused due to the stray dogs is at it's peak during the night hours. Under the pretext of animal rights, NGOs and Government are overlooking the violation of human rights to freedom. This is a serious concern in crowded cities like Bangalore and Mumbai.

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