Is there any good , reliable India specific Affliate programme ?

Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Does any one know about good india specific affliate programme for website ? Are you using it and if yes , how is the performance of the programmes ?

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
from kolkata
14 years ago

from what i heard ... india have one of the largest online spending

from Hyderabad
14 years ago

If you're sure you want to run India based affiliate campaigns, try out DGM (link given above by Anwin). It has most of the Indian campaigns in its basket. Some of the links on my Useful Links page are from DGM. Just in case you're unable to join DGM (they are a bit choosy), you can try out Shoogloo. I would specifically advise against joining Ibibo Ads (erstwhile Adwinks), not sure whether they pay at all.

Malathy Badri
Malathy Badri
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Ankit is absolutely right. It is a total waste of time to even look for India specific program. Indians won't even buy an extremely useful information. They want everything for free.

Try this instant affiliate commission to your Paypal.

Roy Daniel DSilva
Roy Daniel DSilva
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Vcommission is another one.

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