Trying to add new site, shows it is already added

from Jamshedpur
5 years ago

I am trying to add one site. It was a domain name connected with blogspot site. I wated and nothing happen.

After years back I am here again to do the same. Now I have wordpress site and hosting plan. Still it shows site is already added but it is not.

It suggested me to contact through email or on twitter. I did both, now what to do...

Can anyone one or the staff can help me in this...

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Hi, I am not sure whether you are aware but Indiblogger is running without any staff members now. The company closed its operations few months back. 

from Jamshedpur
5 years ago

Very sad to know.

I am doing my best to gain attention for my works. And such community is only bringing a platform to make it easy...

Is this company is going to close...If so I have to look for the others...

Hi Morish,

Even though Indiblogger is closed now, bloggers are organizing meetups once in a while. The company has thrown open the website so that you can still go through the content.

You can try, which is an alternative to Indiblogger.

I also had a great time with Indiblogger for over 9 years. Each and every blogger have great memories about Indiblogger.



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