
pranita deshpande
pranita deshpande
from latur
6 years ago

  No any wordpress.com site is opening in my browser. My site also not opening since yesterday . What the problem can any one tell?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
from Cochin
6 years ago

Wordpress sites are not opening on my home BSNL internet connection. But it is opening on my phone's Vodafone internet connection. Is Wordpress blocked on some internet providers like BSNL?

pranita deshpande
pranita deshpande
from latur
6 years ago

maybe , i too also this problem since yesterday. Now who will find solution for it?

from Chennai
6 years ago

I thought the wordpress servers were down and contacted them through twitter. Later found that wordpress is blocked on BSNL network. I have no idea why !

pranita deshpande
pranita deshpande
from latur
6 years ago

We must have to tweet for this issue to the Bsnl , but today is holiday , still we will try.  

from Cochin
6 years ago

It was not loading with BSNL the last 2 days and in the morning, but is working on the BSNL network now. The issue seems to be fixed, at least for now

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