how to be consistent and add new content regularly

Niks Joshi
Niks Joshi
from jaipur
6 years ago

hey! I am writing on my blog from some time but due to some reasons, it's not being consistent and regular to update and add new content which results in no good rankings of the blog. Now I realize it will be much better if i do it more than just hobby.

If anyone of you have experienced this and knows how to be consistent and keep the blog fresh. Your suggestion will be great if you have..

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Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
6 years ago

Regular postings aren't always boosting a blog's ranking. What matters is consistency walking hand-in-hand with new interpretations, interesting and offbeat expressions, and other value additions like relevant pictures, videos, illustrations to go with a post. Most important is to keep writing. I believe that every post is born with its own set of readers that can be spread over a long period of time. It is almost like saying that when a reader is ready he reaches the right post.

Niks Joshi
from jaipur
6 years ago

thanks a lot for suggestions. Making it interesting is a good way to get more audience I think. 

from New Delhi
6 years ago

To write consistently, Niche of your blog should be your favourite. If you are passionate about photography, ideas will automatically come up for blog articles. So you need to take interest in your blog niche.  Generally one hour daily writing is more than enough for blog content. Therefore, to write regularly and consistently, choose your favourite niche, spare time, write best content. Once you started posting regularly good content, it will start ranking and you will get motivation too.

Consistency is not just about regular writing. You have to build up "your voice", your style of writing. Stay true to yourself. You can't please 100% of readers, so don't even try. Find your voice, your niche and stay the course.

As an example, I write funny stuff. Funny stuff doesn't appeal to a vast slice of the population. It doesn't attempt to provide information and my experience is that a very large number of readers want to take away some learning, usually in easy to digest form. However, I do have regulars and I'm ok with my particular slice.

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