Are anonymous blogger more honest than others?
As an anonymous blogger I feel I am able to be completely honest in my blog. I have no fear of writing my mind out as oppose to writing as a non-anonymous person (I blog with my real name too).
partially true but not always... Your credibility will be in question when you're hiding your identity... People trust non-anonymous people more
I agree with Shrinidhi. Though one can blog anonymously, and feel that they can freely express their views, there is a certain credibility that people associate with bloggers who show their identity. Personally, I feel as a blogger, we should be able to write what we think. Though, at times, I can understand the need for people to be anonymous, if the topic is a delicate one.
I think anonymous blogging is a good way for someone to start - especially one who is lacking in confidence. This helps them blog more, and blog bold!
Later, once their blog is popular, they can reveal their identity - and make a big thing out of it to generate traffic. Sort of like spiderman taking off his mask!
I'd say its an individuals perception. As Renie said, for people lacking confidence, its fine to start that way, but you actually get more credibility when your identity is not anonymous.
Also, blogging is your rights. You can stand up for what ever you want and be proud of it.
I think anonymous bloggers write what they really think, but are afraid to use their real names out of the fear of, 'Oh my gosh, what if that person finds out who I am and I said all these negative things...'. The psychological need to not hurt others feelings is there, whether one is aware of it or not. Lack of confidence of ones own opinions is also a factor.
Hmm, interesting topic actually. Somehow, I don't mind an anonymous blogger. But find it pathetic to find an anonymous commentor!!
I agree there is some credibility issues with anony bloggers but I think the readers can easily know the authenticity of the blogger by reading some of his/her posts and by the number of post he/she has written. After all one can't just lie post after post without giving himself/herself away.
and Naveen Roy, I might also hate anony commentor, but because of the nature of my blog I understand and welcome them. I just request them to give themselves a nickname.
I go along with Choco! I don't see how blogging anonymously can be related to confidence and all. I don't want my fellow bloggers (whom I don't know personally) to know me on the personal front. Rather I want them to know my ideas.
There are two sides of this coin:
When I was talking about confidence etc I was referring to bloggers leaving anonymous comments etc on posts without leaving their name, or bloggers who talk about controversial topics or something of that nature.
But I absolutely agree with having the freedom to have a blog and be anonymous. At times the focus of the blog changes when you have a name and face attached to it. There are many reasons why bloggers would want to remain anonymous and maybe some of you could write your reasons here.
On my blog, I don't mention the name of my children or family. This is because of the security aspect of living in a place and not knowing which strangers are reading my blog.
Great to have so many opinons on this topic!!
Hi Sriharsha,
In my case not really, because being in a new country and having to write on at times touchy subjects like immigration, the embassies, country policies etc I still have to write with a lot of diplomacy.
I also don't have the freedom to mention names of my kids schools etc as I don't want some whacko finding out where I live or where my kids go to school!
I guess everyone has their reasons for doing what they do..and that is what makes all the blogs unique!
aptly said! the condition wouldn't have been any better had u stayed in your home country too. but the thing is, not many blog in India. so, ur concerns can be kept low. Diplomacy would be needed even if u blogged from moon! such is the state of human affairs.
"Diplomacy would be needed even if u blogged from moon!"
Thank you all for having so many insightful opinions on this topic. I didn't expect so many replies when I posted the topic.
There are necessary reasons for being an anony blogger, as in my case. Other than that I like VEE's reason for supporting anony-blogging the most "I don't want my fellow bloggers (whom I don't know personally) to know me on the personal front. Rather I want them to know my ideas". It also gives a differentiation of blogs from other social networking sites; unlike other networking sites blogs can be very much alive only with your ideas.
Blogging is about ideas, viewpoints, and perspective. Identify the blogger with their writing (and not with their personality). Let his/her work speak about their personality.
Best Regards,
i was going through the threads i participated in the forum to dig up this particular one. Would love to hear more views on or against anonymous blogging!
My life depends a lot on others and I can't really disappoint them. I have an anonymous blog but, it is not revealed to anyone. In the case of personal blogs, I think, it is better to stay anonymous!!