Tata Group Heads the Top in Indian Companies for 2009

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

USA's Prestigious "The Reputation Institute" conduted a survey on largest 600 Companies around 25 countries in the world. The survey is based on Esteem, Trust, Admiration and Feeling about a company across seven dimensions of reputation in 32 countries. They hav followed a scale from 0-100 which is a measure of corporate reputation calculated by averaging perceptions of four indicators . Based on this they have awarded the ranks for various Companies.Considering all these perceptions of the companies they have selected top 200 Most reputed companies in the world.In this survey, 5 Indian companies have achieved the place in the first 50 in the list of World's 200 most reputable companies. The 5 companies which were in top 50 list are

  • Rata Tata's Tata Group
  • India's Largest Bank State Bank of India(SBI)
  • India's Second largest Software exporter Infosys
  • L&T and
  • Maruti.

17 Indian companies are been listed in the World’s 200 most reputable companies.

This is a great achivement for our country before Independence Cool


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        Replies 1 to 1 of 1 Descending
        from kolkata
        15 years ago

        i thought L&T was foreign MNC

        from Vijayawada
        15 years ago

        Nope dude!! L&T stood as top indian Company in 2007. But now tata is in leading position. But it's bit surprising that reliance is no where in the list. 

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