masked fear!
Swine flue at its peak! Pune worst hit with more than 14 deaths, Our Bengaluru also recorded its first victim! Looks like the swine flu has created enough din among the people! The city of Bangalore has submerged inside green colored masks! Many of which sold out at exorbitant rates and which are not even N95 masks! People are left with no choice other than using hand keys and other piece of cloths around their mouth to save themselves from the ‘So believed Country’s biggest pandemic’ but studies show surprising facts! The common flu takes away an average of 537 lives during this season! Dengue, Maleria and chickengunia have reportedly claimed more lives than H1N1. Leave alone! The diseases, the social epidemics such as Dowry harassment, child molestation and other forms have believed to be more critical but why that H1N1 is has suddenly shot right into the fame! Media? Top news channels today are believed to have the ability to create anything be it good or bad! Every news channel today starts the day with giving out a total number of deaths in the country! The questions that raised to me is “ARE WE STOPPING A PANDEMIC or SPREADING A HYSTERIA?” people are going quip, A bus conductor was wearing a mask and sitting in a empty bus which had no one expect the driver! When I asked him with great difficulty the reason, he says “Mask haakondre H1N1 Barolla” (If you wear mask then you wont get H1N1) to be more specific it was just an ordinary mask not even a prescribed N95 mask.
When crores of our people have AIDS no wears a condom....but when few of them got H1N1 crores of them are wearing masks which aint effective at all!!