Ask About Journalism , Content Writing Anything
I am Rajdeep Raghuwanshi A Professional Blogger If you have any question about journalism , content writing and blogging you can ask me .
Anil I am Journalist not analyst but you need improve your quility content and focus on single niche.
a* journalist. an* analyst. to* improve. quality*. on a* single.
Hi Rajdeep,I have started travel blogging and writing since 1 year but I need one help.Can you help me find magazines,tourism boards and travel companies that looks for content writers and actually pays them for the same...Regards,Somnath
Hi somanth, visit on this site
Really? And you start your address with 'Guy's'? Is this an indicator of a new low in journalism?
He seems to be a Hindi blogger. However, I do agree journalism is not what it used be, and I hate it.
PS: I'm a journalist-turned-analyst ;)
Journalism still rules. Journalists have access to information that mere bloggers generally do not have. Journalists have a team of researchers to back them up with vital stats and facts. Bloggers, on the other hand, function alone and have to do all the leg-work by rthemselves. Bloggers sometimes have to struggle to access statistics to make their writing hard-hitting. However, a lot of journalists also have their own blogs.
i know very well that sir , i want to ask you , today how many journalist deserve it .
Thread Closed. Please don't claim to be something you're not.