Indispire suggestion
Let the proposed topic be open to opinions. Let bloggers express their opinion about the topic. Along with voting.
With the new Indi homepage, has Indispire lost its visibility? Aren't the number of posts going down?
The number has come down drastically. That's why I proposed the opinions. It can bring back larger participation, hopefully.
Yes, the new homepage has been quite a discomfort to me. Even the indivine posts are not properly displayed. Feels suffocating while I navigate in that limited space
I feel (and feelings can be entirety wrong) indiblogger is trying to be a successful industry, not a community of bloggers.
Or perhaps, we as bloggers must make indispire more successful. Except that number of votes on indispire posts have been taken off from the homepage, there isn't much a difference from the previous homepage. It was still at the bottom last earlier. The new homepage has been a positive welcome and I think we must respect the changes that the team brings forth. It is in our hands to build the community of bloggers; IB is only a platform for us. Let's take indispire more seriously. That goes to me, as well. I have always been only a reader of indispire posts
If it's only about votes, any format is OK. It should actually be about something that matters. What is blogging unless it is an opportunity to express one's opinion on a topic that matters?
The funny thing is that there have been so many topics on indispire that I have intended to write on but... forgot... or got busy elsewhere. I'm sure this must be the case with so many other bloggers as well.