Youtube Videos in IB

Karthik Murali H
Karthik Murali H
from Chennai
7 years ago

Given the recent addition of youtube videos to our profiles , I am noticing a few copyrighted content , not so appropriate content being uploaded here as a part of their profile videos

Can we have a feature to report directly in the home page under the videos section as

Say : copyrighted/pirated/inappropriate etc and a few other categories?

Eg : ( sorry for the naming of the profile but most of the videos in this youtube channel are content from other sources)Given IB's strict policy against plagiarism, can we work out something for copyright infringement?

Please post in your views

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Sabyasachi Patra
Sabyasachi Patra
from New Delhi
7 years ago

How to post youtube videos in indiblogger?

Karthik Murali H
from Chennai
7 years ago

You have to add your youtube channel as a separate blog in IB

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