Kolkata Bloggers Meet 2009

from kolkata
15 years ago

Kolkata Bloggers Meet 2009

Date: 8th August 2009 | Saturday

Location: CCD (Cafe Coffee Day); RDB Adlabs Sector V; Saltlake City; Kolkata

Time: 5 PM onwards

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

yay! one more blogger meet. The Kolkata audience are always fun loving and easy going. It was a super blogger meet the last time around. Hoping to hear many more awesome tales from this blogger meet!


wish I cud attend :(

Nitesh Ambuj
Nitesh Ambuj
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Looking forward to a great meet. Though, I'm little worried about time allocation. Just 1 minute is not sufficient for talking on a Blog....  Innocent 

Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Dont worry from experience.. one minute is a loooong time :) Just talk about ur niche .. people can get bored if we ramble on :)


Shubham Singal
Shubham Singal
from Delhi
15 years ago

Nice initiative, a delegation from Strat.in shall be present :) But is this one minute for a single person or for a single blog, because we have multiple authors who might turn up.

from kolkata
15 years ago

wonders how many of you here in indiblogger have turned up in Kolkata Bloggers Meet 2009 at CCD

Nitesh Ambuj
Nitesh Ambuj
from Kolkata
15 years ago

I was there. It was great. 

from kolkata
14 years ago

cool .. wonder if there is any from indiblogger this yr

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