Tips for bloggers to avoid Activity trap

Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Most bloggers unknowingly could be experiencing activity trap in their blogging life.

See if you are one among and also Tips for avoiding activity trap in your blogging life.

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Didnt realize there was a thing as "too much blogging" :) . Very cool post man .. very cool..

Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

:) Thanks Anoop ..

Well there is "too much blogging" as well as " aimless blogging"


Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

aimless blogging .. ha ha ! Well you hit my problem straight on the head!

from india
15 years ago

good  article


from kolkata
15 years ago

time consumption blog

from Delhi
15 years ago

Nice insight!! But smbdy tell me, is the blogging money so big that people neglect their personal lives for it??!!??!! Amazes me...! Never thought about it that ways!

Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi Himanshu ! Yes , Blogging do reward you wonderfully in financial terms but then

" for every 99 blogger's envy there is 1 blogger's financial pride"

Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Thanks guys for the appreciation ! :)

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