I will comment about your Blog
Get help and suggestion on your blog. On the following. 1. Design 2. SEO Check 3. Layout check 4. Fix Issues 5. Addon, Widget & Plugin help.
I will also love you guys to visit my blog. I am a webdesigner who love Wordpress. www.blogcastor.com
N.B If you need help and suggestion on specific area, please post it here. Please don't waste my time by just droping your link for me to visit your blog. I hope you will respect my humble request.
Reason: Needed
Hey can you get me a good old rock/heavy Metal themed template .. preferably in black .. I have been searching it for a looong time now and cant seem to find any good ones .. My blog looks ugly at the moment :)
Hi Anoop,
ur blog doesn't look ugly as u say...lolzz
Its good. Back is beautiful anyday.
Check This
Hey Anoop, it's not your blog that's ugly...
Hi Weblogian... can you comment on my blog? thanks in advance.-Ali (http://askmamu.com)
You are using the arthemia Theme, it's pretty nice and you have set up well.
Just The big Adsense ads on your header is a draw back.
I am in the run for a review too :) http://www.youthkiawaaz.com
I like your blog. You can change the background image and color and a lively header image will get greater attention.
You can change either the post bg color or the text color. Make it so that people can easily rread your post content. I recommend you to use alt atg for your images plus you can use the float tag (left or right alignment) for your images. Lastly limit your post to the minimum on the front page or you can limit you post to the level same as the sidebar.
Hey WeBlogIn,
can i you help me in getting a new template for my blog
Thanks in advance,
Neeraj Gupta
I like your template, Well you can check this out -http://www.bloggerstyles.com/coffee-desk-blogger-template/
Hiee I too need a good tempalte for my blog
Nice initiative. I do have one question though - do your themes work only for self-hosted blogs? I host mine on wordpress.com (and not wordpress.org), so I was wondering if you would have any themes I could use.
I tried a number of them but couldn't find a black template with flexible width, 3 columns (2 sidebars) and widget-support. Been looking for it for over 4 years now, but haven't come across a good one to this day.
Feedback on the blog would be appreciated too. Thanks in advance
My themes works on all wordpress platform but I don't think Wordpress allows you to upload themes unless you go VIP blogging $300/month. You can search for blank theme from your wordpress dashboard.
Hi Weblogian,
I would love it if you could go check my blog out and give me your expert input.
Am blogging only since the last 3 months...on wordpress.com and am looking for a great theme.
Hi Zeenat you are using one of the best theme available on Wordpress.com.
Well done you are doing great on your blog. I will only recommend to show minmum post on your homepage, probably 3 posts.
Hi Weblogian
It would be a pleasure if you check out my blogs and give me some input about them.
There are two many widget on the sidebar which slow down loading. I think you need to take out some that are least important to you.
This is a long queue! nvertheless - I join. I'ld love some review too. Would be glad if you can find time to do that!
Thanks in advance for the social good. Read on another thread that this is the joy of giving week :)
I will suggest you to use the < more > tag starting from the last second recent post leaving out the most recent post. This will look better and load faster
Hi Weblogian,
I have a blog about our families move to Canada and would love your review on the same.
You can write to me at the email id : chutney2maplesyrup@gmail.com
There are 1000s of template on the net, why not google and use one that fit your topic. The present one is too simple and it does not give much attention your your photos and writings.
Have a look at my blog www.ithinkiknowbut.blogspot.com
I want decrese the transperancy of the background, i want to keep the templete but just change the transperancy. How can i do that?
Help please.
hi..how about mine?? please review mine too... http://ballat.blogspot.com
Hi Weblogian,
Plz do visit my blog at
and give some tips for improving upon my blog.
Thanking You in advance,
I need someone to help me with designing. I can't even add a picture to my blog background: I don't know how to add the widgets Indiblogger supplies. Give me some tips on how to design my blog: www.messingtheunmessed.blogpspot.com
I'm a reasonably new and slightly technologically challenged blogger. Would you please give your opinion about my blog - http://gawdscountry.blogspot.com
Nobody seems to care about what I have commented. I am thinking this thread is a waste of time. I thought I could provide some help who really need it.
What makes you say that? I read the threads and found some of your comments useful. I think everyone appreciates your taking out time to help others with your knowledge.
Hey Weblogian - Any comments about my revamped blog. Any guesses about the blog template? I am put in hours to code and customize it.... any suggestions will be helpful...
Hi Weblogian
Plz help me fix my blog. It does not appears properly on Internet Explorer.
Any other comments on design etc are welcome.
Kindly visit my blog and check its technical setup criteria because when I click "Stats" in IndiBlogger I get message that Feed is not getting detected. I dont know what it is. Please help me