Bloggers from North East India

Rajiv Verma
Rajiv Verma
from Guwahati
8 years ago


How many of us here are from the Seven-sister states here?

I know few but would you guys marking your attendance here please?



Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
Sarmistha Goswami
Sarmistha Goswami
from Guwahati
8 years ago

I am from North East (Assam) and back here for a while after travelling across the country! :)

Rajiv Verma
from Guwahati
8 years ago

Hey Sarmistha!! Great to connect, me too from Assam.


We have a small group of Bloggers from the NE. You are welcome to join it here:

pranju chakrapani
pranju chakrapani
from Assam
8 years ago

From Assam. :)

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
8 years ago

On a different note, how many of you wouldn't mind providing me a (or couple sometimes) night stay at your place if I make a motorcycle trip to NE region? I promise I'll carry all relevant documents, won't litter your home, won't steal food from your fridge and my bike won't leak its engine oil over your porch. I'm open to more options. [Over-friendly gesture]

pranju chakrapani
from Assam
8 years ago

You can do all of this and more :). I welcome you open heartedly to our safe haven :) But do not kill my stray cat

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
8 years ago

Pranju, my only concern is- does the cat live inside your house or outside? [Worried]

pranju chakrapani
from Assam
8 years ago

And my concern is irrespective of where it lives, will it meet it's death by you hands? [concened] :)

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
8 years ago

I would be brutally honest with my prospective host. I hate cats but liberal enough not to throw stones at them till they are out of the house. [Wink]

pranju chakrapani
from Assam
8 years ago

I iwsh I could have done the same thing but alas can I throw stones at glass house [metaphorical]

Rajiv Verma
Rajiv Verma
from Guwahati
8 years ago

Anuroy Samanta, you are more than welcome buddy :)Fellow bloggers from the NE, please join the group, one for the bloggers from the NE. 

Sarmistha Goswami
Sarmistha Goswami
from Guwahati
8 years ago

Thank you Rajiv and nice knowing you. I just joined the group. Looking forward to some constructive blog discussion :)

Rajiv Verma
Rajiv Verma
from Guwahati
8 years ago

Same here Sarmistha, thanks :)

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