Connecting Bharat with India: The Rural Bharat Project for bloggers

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
15 years ago

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The rural India is often referred to as the real India. When India got it's independence, the champions of the era had called upon the urban and the rich citizens to help and reduce the gap between the rural areas and the developed urban cities, but their vision and dreams have not yet been fulfilled. There is a wide gap between the rural and urban India. The people living in cities are unaware of the problems that the villagers have to face. They are unaware of their traditions, superstitions, customs and practices. The people in cities have now taken to treating people from rural areas as illiterate, unequal and have thus started discriminating against them. They often fail to understand the conditions that the people from these areas go through.As for the rural population. They have little or no understanding of the cities and are far far away from the concept of modernization and urbanization. They are not aware of development, they have no idea of the lifestyle of cities. This leads to a number of problems. When the people from villages migrate to towns and cities, they are either unable to adjust to the lifestyle of towns or they misunderstand the way people dress up, behave, talk, walk, etc. and in a zest to 'fit in' they often end up earning a bad name for themselves (or commit bad deeds).Although rural press plays a major role in the development of the rural or 'real' India, the presence of rural press is missing. There is a dire need for journalism to pitch into the villages in order to reach out to them and make them aware of the Government policies and new trends and traditions and to help them get over their obsolete beliefs; it also acts as a link between the Government and the villages, taking the problems of the rural areas to the concerned authorities and making sure that action is taken. But, no such strong rural press exists in India (it used to exist, but long time back).Thus, we felt a need to launch this project. This project is a way of connecting the urban youth to their rural counterparts. Here, we will highlight the problems, issues, success stories, development programs and actions by authorities and Government in these rural areas. Our team will consist of a group of rural reporters living either in or near to these rural areas. They will write about each and every thing related to their (or their neighboring) villages and will inform you as soon as possible. This will be a way by which you will get to know and understand the rural areas in a better way and discuss their issues in a healthy way (and maybe reach conclusions).

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Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi Man .. you come up with good initiatives .. but this is a long write up for a forum post ... I had to spend 10 minutes just reading and understanding what you were trying to say... Please do not copy/paste your post here .. make an effort to write a gist of it and provide a link for details .. that way people can also spend  time with a lot of other forum topics too :)

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Hi Anshul, this is a good initiative. There definitely exists a need to connect between rural India and urban India.

I will get in touch with you with my questions!


Anshul Tewari
from Noida
15 years ago

Thanks a lot Adarsh. Just drop in a mail anytime at and I will get back to you ASAP.

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