Replacing/Adding "View post to promote" with FB Like/Share, re-tweet, etc.
We had discussions about Indivine, and how is that view to promote gets exploited, etc. etc. That being said, some do genuine love the work that people post, so some mechanism can be there to promote it.
How about having Facebook Share (or like- personal preference is sharing), re-tweet, etc for Indivine? Indivine can be seen by the non-members too. So I feel that if they like/want to, there should be an access for them to have a one-click share option. We have all that social thingy for the forums now that non-members can read the discussions.
So why not do it for the Indivine submissions too? I don't think those with 'You scratch my back and I scratch yours' type voters wouldn't be interested in sharing, so all the more reason to have this. I also request that sharing links is directly linked to the content on the site, rather than Indivine itself. At least this way the blogger can enjoy social sharing numbers which will reflect in their post social sharing bar.
+1 to this!
Response seems lower than expected, considering bloggers would benefit more from social media like/share, tweet, +1, etc.
i agree. great suggestion.