STRESSware industry - Dont go by 6 figure

Anand ravichandran
Anand ravichandran
from Chennai
15 years ago

Suicidal thoughts are an involuntary affliction !  We don't choose to think them.  Suicidal thoughts just enter, they just come into your mind on their own.


And they don't just sit idly by...

These lines suites to all those who work in so called white collar job,IT.I was in that field too and finally the stress made me to quit that dedaly job and now I am  out of it.I dedicate this post to all my fellow IT people.

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Descending
Hitched Hiker
Hitched Hiker
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I don't think that everyone will share your views. People in other industries work just as hard and it really is up to the person to be able to handle the long hours and deadlines.

I have been in both stressful jobs and more relaxed companies. I have yet to consider suicide for anything.

Maybe you should consider therapy.Sealed

Anand ravichandran
from Chennai
15 years ago

Just for your info ... the number of people commiting suicide due to work presssure are from IT sector only ... you can get this from any site ...

from kolkata
15 years ago

life is getting too hectic

Vijay Rajamani
Vijay Rajamani
from Bangalore
15 years ago

I agree with Hitched Hiker . Stress is not necessarily associated with IT only. All industries have work pressure, and all aspects of life have stress as a component. In fact, a certain level of stress is recommended and healthy, without which no one will be inclined to do anything.

It's all in how you view it and how you choose to deal with it. I don't agree with the views of Anand Ravichandran. If you get suicidal thoughts, that definitely deserves some medical attention.


Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Well the number of farmers committing suicide are far more than that of IT. And being a member of the IT Industry, i wouldn't agree that stress levels can even match that of a machine operator building a underground pipe in a city, for example. As Hitched Hiker said not every one will agree to your view. Its not being biased towards the IT Industry, but this is what i have felt in my 6 years of work experience. If you are happy with your job, you will never realise the stress that is associated with it.
from pune
15 years ago

Anand Iwould say the Grass is greener on the other side. so its not just IT or rather software industry stress is there in everyjob .I would agre with hemal about the number of farmrs commiting suicide ..

And people enjoy alot of perks in IT Industry so why cry about the stress levels now...

Suicide just because your job sucks or stress levels are high bad option :(

from Valsad
15 years ago

Even I quitted the job but not exactly because of the above reasons. I wanted to accomplish my dream to be a designer and a VFX artist. Better start doing what you love. I took admission in IT 4 years ago but that does not mean I will work in IT my whole life. Things change. Always do what you love to do. And better do it NOW. At an older age, pessimism starts dwelling inside you. So while u'r young, just go for it. Very less people live for themselves. Money will automatically come. And what's this suicidal things? If something tends you to become suicidal, don't crib about it. Just leave it and move ON.

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

well grass is always greener .. but not being too bored is a criteria too .. :)

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