Issue in viewing my blog in internet explorer

Lalit Raghuvanshi
Lalit Raghuvanshi
from chandigarh
9 years ago

I recently checked my blog on internet explorer version 11 and found that after 7 or 8 seconds my browser window gets cleared. When i checked the source of page then found only "<script src=""></script><script>window.r73764675(); delete window.r73764675;</script>" In all other browsers its working fine..Please help me in resolving this issue

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from India
9 years ago

I would say, don't bother rectifying it for IE. It's one of the worst browsers out there.

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Hee heee heeee still depending on IE? Laughing

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

HR IE still has 17.8 percent users worldwide and believe me, that is a sizeable number.

from India
9 years ago

The ones who do not know what a browser is and what other options are available to them. For them, IE is being used because it came bundled with Windows that someone else installed on  their computers.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Actually, many businesses rely on it and not just the small ones. For example, Call centres stick to it because they have a contract with PC companies and only provide support only if official software are used, excluding the company's own software. 

from India
9 years ago

Yeah TS, That's the thing. Like we have a competetor who sells SaaS which is compatible to run on IE only. Same is the case with a numerous other softwares, primarily those being built by some government agencies. But, in mainstream consumer market, as much as I know, IE is still prevalent because of the fact that it's there on the OS.

from Bangalore
9 years ago

VP, bad luck for them since they don't have any other option than IE or no idea to use other reliable browsers like Chrome, Opera or Firefox etc.

TS, business organization has Tech support for it, so, no issue to delay any work in case an error arises from IE, but how about bloggers like us who are in a hurry specially during HH and IE browser give a hard time? Laughing We have to again search for an alternate browser at that moment. Yes, IE is sometime useful when other all browsers give hard time for any tech issues and IE helps for some task.

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
9 years ago


from Bangalore
9 years ago

Maha Prabhu Laughing Kehna ye chahtha hoo…Jo bhi Sawal thread se poochenge vo maaloom ho tho jawab milega bindaas Cool. I suggest all to use right browser and avoid tech issue, and also be prepared for tech issues from scrap browser in case if it is uses.

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