Be the change. Join Youth Ki Awaaz

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
15 years ago

Youth Ki Awaaz, as the name suggests, is a mouthpiece for the youth.As Mahatma Gandhi once said " A small group of determined and like-minded people can change the course of history", we believe that the youth has the power to create a new environment of peaceful co-existence.Youth Ki Awaaz is not only dedicated towards creating awareness among the youth, encouraging them to take the initiative to make a change and to spread awareness but also gives them a platform to express themselves. Youth Ki Awaaz is of the youth, for the youth, by the youth.Youth Ki Awaaz has been trying its level best to give you a platform, a place where you can say what you feel. If the world wants to know what the youth thinks about an issue, they will come to Youth Ki Awaaz, because you have been given your very own space.This is not just a website but also a movement to persuade the youth to contribute in rebuilding India. You can join us on any and every topic which concerns you.You will find here opinions, views, comments and articles by you, the youth, on current issues from society to environment to technology to health. Feel free to voice yourself on any issue. We will make sure you voice reaches out to millions.It’s high time we stood for what is right. Be the change, Voice yourself!Join us HERE.

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from kolkata
15 years ago

i guess u have already posted this some weeks back

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