Delhi Food Bloggers - Restaurant Review Invitation - Grand Fabio's

Umang Trivedi
Umang Trivedi
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Grand Fabio's is a start up restaurant in Delhi. Here is the FB Page link:

Concept: They prepare pastas within 130 seconds flat according to customer's preferences. it's a subway kind of concept for Pastas.

Blogger benefits: Bloggers can dropby any time at this restaurant and try the pastas. The cost will of course, be waived off. The purpose behind this activity is to know opinions of expert foodies and understand areas of improvement, if any, for the current set up. If the blogger likes the setup, concept & food, he/she can write a blog. If not, writing the blog is not a compulsion.

There would be no extra commercials involved. 

Address: Shop No. 47, Defence Colony Main Market, Ground Floor New Delhi, India

011 4101 8802  

How to avail the free meal?

Drop me an email at with an approximate date & time

I have received some responses. I will reply as soon as possible with confirmation.

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Rahul Prabhakar
Rahul Prabhakar
from Gurgaon
9 years ago


Great concept.
Umang Trivedi
Umang Trivedi
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Hi Rahul,

Please share your blog address and email ID

Umang Trivedi
Umang Trivedi
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Hi Rahul,

Please ignore the above comment. I already have your email ID. Can you visit the restaurant this friday or Saturday?

SafetyKart Online
SafetyKart Online
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Just check out this post : [[No SSP]]

Chandresh Jain
Chandresh Jain
from Delhi
9 years ago

Hi Umang ,

Would love to try this out !! 


Akanksha Dureja
Akanksha Dureja
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Woud love to try out!

Priyanka Roy Banerjee
Priyanka Roy Banerjee
from Pune
9 years ago

good concept. why don't Pune restaurants do these type of reviews? Undecided

from New Delhi
9 years ago

Dropped you a mail Umang. I am looking forward to this one.

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