Indivine Contest - Food Tales with TinyOwl!
" A life full of surprises is the best one. But some surprises…we are better off without them. This month, we welcome you to share such surprises that got you in to a food fix. We are sure you will laugh when you look back at them today. Tell us these stories and let us enjoy those moments too. And if we love your food fix story, you could well win some exciting prizes. "
No vouchers
It has clearly stated at the end that "IndiVine votes do not matter, and multiple entries are allowed" on contest link.
I don't know if I should be writing all these here but I feel the TinyOwl guys probably rushed through with their app development, and launched their app in haste without having "fixed" some of their flaws.
While going through the contest details and the links, I landed up at the Google play download page for the app Tiny Owl to download it and as I scrolled down, my eyes fell on the various reviews - all I could see there were "bad experience", "pathetic service", "no customer care", "automatically saves the card details which can't be deleted" etc.
P.S. We would also love to know if having TinyOwl on your phone would havechanged your experience for good.
Now after having gone through those reviews, I am in a fix now
I have tiny owl in my phone. And until their recent compensation fiasco, they did provide good service.
The only thing is one should not expect anything to be delivered on time. Rest the app doesn't have any problem as such. Probably could use some more filters like Zomato. They claim that it is the restaurant's fault, but I have talked to the restaurant owner(s) regarding this and he said the same thing: The customers in shop or those who called in directly comes first. Can be the fault of the restaurant or maybe not... I'm not so sure yet.
But I am somewhat confused about this term "food fix", couldn't actually understand what it means here. What do we write about in our post - should it be about food tips/tricks, as in to "fix" a dish gone wrong (eg - suppose accidentally we have added too much salt to the curry and so to normalise the taste, one usually adds a small kneaded ball of wheat flour).
Or By "food fix", are they referring to a bad situation, something like "Oh, I have got into a fix, what to do now?" sort of thing? Like Draupadi had got into, what to serve the rishi munis when Rishi Durbasha and his fellow colleagues came visiting, after the Pandavas had already finished up their lunch and all she had was a lonely, divorced grain of rice left in the bartan. Koi mera maarg darshan karaaye
Anyhow, you are lucky AP - only 'food' contests are coming these days around.
As usual many confusions regarding contest....
Can anybody please clarify bout the topic Food fix???
Thank you.. Rio, I understand
Finally a good old blogging contest I can participate in! I sat out of the Colgate one (because no kids) and Del Monte one (because can't really cook) ... happy that this one is a little less complicated and way less demanding!
After not getting positive result from last several attempts, I am not getting enough courage to write for this
no vouchers . But looks interesting. Wish to get the S6 :D :D *fingers crossed*
I still need clarity on what FOOD FIX means. Anyone care to elaborate and explain?
A "food fix" in this context is a situation created by the lack of or unavailablity of sufficient or appropriate food.
This contest is about the surprises life throws your way and how they sometimes leave you in a bind where food is concerned (last minute guests, cook bunked, insane traffic leaving you too exausted to hit the kitchen, burnt pasta, etc etc, etc)...
Hope this helps :)
Thank you Nihal
Thanks Nihal!
Ok can someone help me understand what do we have to blog about pl?
Hello!! I have the same question most people seem to have...I think we are just supposed to talk about bad experiences via food delivery? And supposedly TinyOwl is here to make sure you don't have any such in the future, when you use their app...
Am I right?
Hi Pragati, it needn't neccessarily be about a bad experience via food delivery. It could be a comical take etc..
This contest is about the surprises life throws your way and how they sometimes leave you in a bind where food is concerned (last minute guests, cook bunked, insane traffic leaving you too exausted to hit the kitchen, burnt pasta, etc etc, etc)...
hello Nihal! Thanks for clarifying..this helps a bit...I noticed that they deliver in some cities only...also how much are we writing about the app itself? They don't seem to have a Windows app :( Big surprise...
Pragati, TinyOwl app brings food for you home. Keeping in mind its purpose, just write about your food experience and connect it with how TinyOwl app could have made it better.
Thanks :)
I have alrady raised a ticket. while submitting an entry for the contest I submitted the same to the indivine rather tha at the contest page. my entry fulfils all rules otherwise and has also been submitted at 11:56pm. Considering multiple entries were allowed I had done that. is there a way I can sort it out?
ok, I read it cannot be undone. thanks anyway. :)
i wrote my third post as well. so in total there are three for tinyowl from me.
What!! that is something, Rio...there seem to be only 114 entries..if others have submitted multiple, then the number of people is even lower.
I am really surprised there are so few entries..
Entries yet not displayed.
I think it was a great subject. Initially, I too found it vague but as and when I started writing, it became interesting.
Loved writing for this.. Only worry is brand or judges should not select posts that boasts about tiny owl as we were supposed to write "funny" memory. So I did.
Unfortunately, mobile n Tiny Owl did not exist that time. And I did not want to make up a memory to promote something that was not there.