Major Redesigning, Will It Reduce My Bounce Rate ?

Sameer Siddiqui
Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
9 years ago

Yes I know this is not the reviews section, I'm very sorry to post here, I've already asked my review so I can't post there.The Problem : My bounce rate is 70%, And average time per user is 1.20 minutes, For a content based website, that is crap.A webmaster told me to redesign my website so content on the front page is more attractive and include more posts at the bottom of the posts, I've done all that but still my bounce rate is 65%, and time per visit in 3.20 minutes, What am I doing wrong, Please help ! Any and all suggestions are welcome !My Website Link : I Apologize for posting here. 

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Himanshu Negi
Himanshu Negi
from Delhi
9 years ago

Hello Sammer,

Hi, First of all - hats off to you! You are able to reduce Bounce Rate by 10% that's great.

I checked you website and it loads in 4 seconds and it's fine! So, not a big issue with speed. If you could work on this it'll be better.

Finally, this bounce rate is common. Posting relevent articles helps and interlinking is useful as well. I am also facing high bounce rate.

You can also play with Google analytic tracking code so it will measure less bounce rate. 

Do some Google research for more! Keep on doing experiment and don't forget to share results with me!


kanuj sharma
kanuj sharma
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Interlinking relevant posts and showing related posts and your most popular post to your readers can help you more, posting more often will also reduce your bounce rate as the readers will always have something new to read.

Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
9 years ago

Applied that already, Now my bouce rate is 42%, Which is a lot better for entertainment websites, Also time spend has increased to 5.10 Minutes !!!Cool 

from India
9 years ago

I'm not much sure whether a redesign of the site will help you in reducing the bounce rate. Bounce Rate is defined as the percentage of visitors/visits that ended from the first page  (landing page) itself. It can be a page/blogpost on your blog, where someone reached from google.

Bounce rates are high when the number of visitors visiting your site and leaving it from the landing page itself is higher than the visitors who are exploring your blog more. This can be attributed to the visits by automated bots, spam referrer sites as well. Blogger records all the traffic that came to your blog, irrespective of whether it was a spam referrer or a genuine human visitor. I'm not sure which platform you are using for your blog, but, I really doubt if there is anything much a blog redesign can help in increasing the visitor interaction. As what automated bots do (generally true in the case of spam referrers) is that their sole aim is to get a followback link registered with your analytics application. This can be achieved by visiting a single page too.

If your blog is relatively new, please give it some time for the statistics to normalize over a couple of months. The thing I can see from your recent posts is that most of your content (for the said site) is India Centric (Honey Singh fans and stuff like that) won't really keep a non Indian visitor glued up with your blog. If it's a site sharing  India centric content, I guess, one should make it visible with the TLD.

Writing great content is another way to keep the visitor glued to your blog and make him/her explore more. Once that visitor wants to explore more of your writing you will get to see your bounce rates dropping.

All of it aside, I'm not sure why someone having an SEO related blog, one that registers as much as 1483747 visits daily asks this question?

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Redesign = changing page layout, adding some widgets like recommended posts etc etc

afaik, those referral bots don't log their visits in GA. so, they don't affect bounce rate.

It is a seo strategy Tongue out or a huge part of that 14 lakh might be bots Foot in mouth

Sameer Siddiqui
Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
9 years ago

@Ranjith I'm not talking about my blogspot blog, Its doing more than fine. I need tips for my Entertainment website BabaHumor. But I think this thread might be closed as my bounce rate is now 42%, Which is nearly excellent for entertainment websites :D

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Ranjith what is a optimum bounce rate for a blog ?

from hyderabad
9 years ago

100 Tongue out

There is nothing like optimum. It depends. Foot in mouth

Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
9 years ago

Sorry for hijacking your post, I know i'm not Ranjith, But optimal bounce rates for various types of site are :

  • Content Websites: Like Mine, : 40-60%
  • Lead Generation: Link Exchange or directories like DMOZ :30-50%
  • Blogs: Any types of personal blogs : 70-90%
  • Retail Sites:  E-Commerce, Like Flipkart or Snapdeal : 20-40%
  • Service Sites: 10-30%
  • Landing Pages: 70-90% 
Shivam Ralli
from Ghaziabad
9 years ago

@Sameer, well mine is a personal blog and i have around 1% bounce rate Tongue out

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

I have a bounce rate of 1.62 thats the reason I asked

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Mine is 70 Cool

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

so yours is better FrownInnocentInnocent

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Tongue out

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