What did you do for your India today??

from Noida
15 years ago

Ok so let me tell you how this works... All of us think that a lot needs to be done in India for things to change. Some of us want to do things for our country to change and become a better nation with great citizens who are better human beings. I believe that there is nothing like a selfless deed. So, anything you do for our country will directly effect you. Lets start writing what each of us do to contribute for our Nation and in turn inspire others to join in. It can be anything.

It might be that you initiated a car pool at your office to reduce pollution and traffic. May be you fought with your neighbor who wanted to cut an old tree outside his house for making space for his car or may be you proposed the idea of putting dustbins around your locality to reduce the garbage lying around.

You could have sponsored a kid or you might have just taken a walk to the market to contribute by not using your car and being a fitter and active Indian. Absolutely anything....


Replies 1 to 13 of 13 Descending
from Noida
15 years ago

So, let me kick start this topic...

 Today, I did two things

First... I watered the trees (the ones you see on the side of the streets) outside my house

Second... I kept my cool and avoided a traffic jam from happening...


Parv Kaushik
from Lucknow, Noida
15 years ago

it was a good thing to start with mukund!

Jithin K.Rajeev
Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

I walked to my friends house instead of riding the motorbike. I am glad I didn't waste precious fuel and also gave my body some exercise.


Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago
from Chennai
15 years ago

I witnessed a launch of new website started by few great youngsters from India.. http://ballat.blogspot.com

from Noida
15 years ago

Hey Great Going guys... Lets keep this thing going....

Today I made it a point that everything used disposable stuff went into the dustbin even for my friends and colleagues..... Even if it meant walking a small distance...

Parv Kaushik
from Lucknow, Noida
15 years ago

i do that often but its digusting to see no bins arond in the market places where they are needed the most...

from Noida
15 years ago

i know Parv its really tough to find bins... You really have to go bin hunting at times:)

from kolkata
15 years ago

yeah .. tats one of the best thing you can do ...



Sanjay Uvach
Sanjay Uvach
from Patna
15 years ago

Wrote a post - Corruption unveiled - http://www.nobribe.org . Hope to do social activism through social media.

Parv Kaushik
from Lucknow, Noida
15 years ago

i really appreciate your efforts!!! i wish you best of luck it's a bold initiave you have taken i know its mukund's topic and he has the full rights to respond here but still couldnt help to resist... will read your blog regularly!! 

from Noida
15 years ago

Great going Sanjay I agree with parv that this is a great step... social media can do wonders now days... great going

@Parv... Please feel free to interact and chat amongst yourself. This is the only way we can learn from each other and encourage each other.

Santhosh P
Santhosh P
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Good topic.

Problem is there are m0rons like me out there who just sit back, relax and give sarcastic comments if others do something good.  However, at times we too do good things, not because we are great, but because there are greater m0rons out there who are worse than us. So here are somethings that i didnt do unlike many of my colleagues today

1. Did not use the hand drier at office rest room

2. Did not use the lift while going just 3 floors above

3. Did not take a green pledge in front of 7 flood lights(in broad daylight), 4 video cameras and done in an air conditioned hall.

4. Did not go and congratulate the superboss who got a promotion(recession guys, recession! so your hike is halted)

from Noida
15 years ago

Well Santosh.. Thanks for the appreciation and second Honesty goes a long way. Even small steps taken as individuals can make a major difference. I hope you continue doing your bit :)

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
I always make it a point that i dont throw wrappers of gums, lays etc on the way or at stations. I put them in ma bag and carry it home and dump it in my dust bin. I still remember the 26th July floods in Mumbai and up to some extent these plastic waste was also the culprit.
from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

I must say a great effort.We always do bak bak bak (hindi words) about what our netas and police should do for our country.But we never  look at ourselves.This post will provide a great oppertunity to realise actually how we are contributing to our country.We have turned in men (women included) of words only now lets be men (women are also welcome) of action.OK I should stop bak bak ;oops:

What I did today

1)when I bought few things from a shop.I asked for the bill.

2)Asked my friend to purchase a platform ticket before entering the railway station.He was like lets go inside without ticket.


Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Actually, a big pat on the back for Mukund. Now let this be the platform also to share ideas our on how can we improve our lives and that of fellow Indians.
from Noida
15 years ago

Thanks Hemal... This post started because I really needed ideas which we can do in our day-to-day lives. I actually feel that If we all take care of our own well being and encourage others to do the same that is all we need.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Ok here goes mine for today. I will stop using paper tissues in the wash room when i carry my "roomal"
from Bhubaneswar
15 years ago

Here is mine for today

I didn't waste any food.I finished all the food given on my plate.

from Noida
15 years ago

Its my turn for what I did today...

You see some time ago I switched to CFLs for my house, when I did this I was not able to change a couple of bulbs and then changing them got delayed and never happened...

Today I changed them both now my house only has CFLs...

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