Perplexed is the word- Do share your views.

Sammya Brata
Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
9 years ago

I'm not trying to be a moral police..neither am I ridiculing anybody. I'm just perplexed at this tweet and the striking factor is, there were a couple of people in favor of this one as well. Not trying to be too conservative or perhaps defensive...but I want you people to express your views on this one. Is this the general perception about modern day bloggers? Are we taking blogging lightly? 


Edited 9 years ago
Reason: For more clarity
Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
9 years ago

Ha! Ha!

Weird pictures and posting them online has nothing to do with blogging... unless one does it on a blog. And call the blog: Weird photos.

I mean, weird photos on FB or tweeted have no relationship with blogging.

And a DSLR is NOT necessary for any kind of update... even for blogging. Because photography isn't so much about cameras as it is about clicking the right moment.

So if this person is happily calling himself a blogger, I believe he must be doing it all on a blog called 'weird photos'.


Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
9 years ago

That was exactly my response, Sir


Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
9 years ago

And, by the way, Sammy, you'll agree that there are no 'easy' steps to blogging... unless they are:

1. Incisive thoughts

2. Precise expression

3. Consistent hard work


Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
9 years ago

See..what's even more 'disturbing' a response like this (from someone who doesn't even have a blog) and it came down to personal attacks after that :)


from Bangalore
9 years ago

We can put them in this way,

How to become weird blogger in 3 easy steps.

1. Use VGA or normal mobile camera (no need DSLR or Smartphone MP camers') for this

2. Click any photo at any moment Wink

3. Post them on blog Tongue out.

from Mumbai
9 years ago

Hmm, perhaps this is a perspective that is doing rounds now a days. We see many of the memes/troll on how someone who has a DSLR calls himself a photographer. It is not true in every case, for I have seen many talented photography blogs, but the increasing number of people, who try to show-off themselves by buying a DSLR calls for this general opinion. Arvind is absolutely right when se said that blogging is not connected to photography, perhaps the tweet is misquoted big time - what the person meant to say, might be that - "Anyone who has DSLR claims to be a photographer". Trying to look at it Optimistic way, It makes sense. Barring the personal attacks, if the opinion is general in saying that anyone who claims to be a photographer by just having a DSLR, I might say, that people are doing that.

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

One cannot make horse out of donkeys. You can become a 'namesake' blogger but no1 will take you seriously. Don't sweat it. 

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

But I see a lot of people getting DSLR users doing that. Maybe not necessarily blogs, but with FB thingies. Some eventually become good. Some are meh. Some are.....exotic. Many are just plain obnoxious. But you see such people in every walk of life, jobs, areas, streets, society, etc. Just ignore and do what you do. people like these do it so people will react. Don't feed the trolls. But give cakes! 

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