Post date - clarification

Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

I have a serious doubt on one issue pertaining to post/topic dates.

Earlier I had a blog , recently i migrated to a self hosted website. I had migrated all my content in the earlier blog to the new website also.

Now rises the doubt and I need a clarification on it.

My site was launched on July 1 '09 and domain was also registered around that time.

The posts in my previous blogs were upto 2 years old.

So after migrating the posts to the new website , the old posts shows date older than the website launch and domain registration date.

Will that be an issue in SEO ? Should i change the dates of the posts to the launch date of the site ?


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from kolkata
15 years ago

actually if you still have the old sub-domain blog access you can do a 301 redirect ,

that way you can show the search engine ... and also not lose your old visitors


Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

@ Leon has domain mapping , is that what you are talking about ?

but to avoid duplicate content , i had unpublished all the contents in the old blog and migrated all over here. I have jus one post in the old blog now saying , i have migrated to this new site.

Does , Google take time to index the old posts ? Coz my new posts are getting indexed quickly but my old migrated posts have got burried deep inside..

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