The Toughest Blog-Post that You have Ever Written
Thank you for reading this. I have been blogging for a few months now and I always wonder what goes through another bloggers mind and if they face issues that I as a blogger face.
I have written a total of 19 posts since I started. Not very prolific - but I manage to write at least one post a week.
Now, there are some posts that almost write themselves. I hit the keyboard and the post hits the blog. Spontaneous and stimulating. At the same time however, there are those posts that are as lethargic as a can be. Not that I dont want to get through them quickly - but it just does not happen.
The reasons differ - words not come, the post does not read write, the subject is too complex, ideas change, real life (work, family, women, friends, etc) beckons. The list can go on. But when its done - They generally turn out to be very good posts that I am proud of...
I WANNA KNOW IF YOU HAVE EVER FACED THIS. Have you ever written a post that took a lot out of you - in terms of effort or time or both. And did this post turn out the way you wanted it to.
Tell us about it. Also, give us a link to the post so that we can read and understand what you went through...
When you write on subjects that you personally like about , read about .. you end up writing the posts faster .. but then when you take effort to write on a subject that you have not much of grip then it gets tough ..
I usually write on subjects that i am comfortable with and even if some issues that may be hot but not of my interests i skip it. There are many articles in my draft mode for quiet long time not coz it is tough , but i need some more attention into it to make it informative and do a bit of research . I would not call it tough ...
I feel its difficult to write posts when you have already thought about how you want the out come to be. That is because you expect that post to create a certain kind of effect which it just might not if its not written in the right manner and sometimes you just sit on the comp with just a topic and things fall into place naturally. Now, that could be because the other posts which you had difficulty writing were different from you normal style of writing. I talk for myself really, from my experience that is :)
These are the two posts I had put in a lot of effort and loved the outcome...
I am writting a thriller short story..but yet to complete... stuck half way..really finding it difficult to write..
I think I am more confident when I have rough plans about my post topics. Sometimes, it takes me a lot of time to pen my thoughts, but that doesn't deter me from writing.
I am a 16 year old guy and I am very passionate about writing. So, I thought about participating in a writing competition by Education Times. The topic revolved around the scope of the youth in politics. When I sat down to write, the thoughts got converted into words and sentences. As a result, I completed my article in around 20 minutes.
Though my article was not published in Education Times, it has become one of my most popular posts on my blog. This post of mine, titled as The Era Of Young Politicians got me many visitors from Google and Yahoo.
This is personally one of my favourite posts...
As a general perspective, whenever a thought comes in my mind about my blog, I just write it down...and I ensure I have paper and pen handy.
...And there are also times, when spontaneity works the best! All you've got to do is express your thoughts in a refined and comprehensive manner.
The posts that take the longest to finish are those that bloom out of a long introspection cycle for me.
To put personal realizations in to words is like trying to explain a painting to a blind man.
No offense intended... I couldn't find a better way to express the feeling.
And here are the links.
Posts on topics that I find troubling are emotionally draining for me, apart from taking a long time to write. An example of this is a recent post about a friend losing her baby.