You Follow my Blog I will Follow yours..

from Sydney
15 years ago

Open invitation if you would like to increase your follows base and earn more revenue.

Interested let me know

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Sydney
15 years ago

Rightly said Parv and ofcourse I didnt mean you should follow any Blog which you dont feel like point is here is that we should atleast return a favour..and I feel bloging community is lacking that..

Parv Kaushik
from Lucknow, Noida
15 years ago

u are NOT doing a "favour" if you are following somebody it's an expression of love tht yes i like ur work nd i look forward to read it!!

from Sydney
15 years ago

Thanks for appreciating my Blog and I think you are confusing yourself with my statement.New Bloggers like me who have been blogging for a while now would be motivated and inspired if they are followed by similar new bloggers.This would in return help the Blogging community as a whole.

Your statement of "u are Not doing a favour"implies to probloggers because these guys are professionals not new bloggers like me..

Thinks about it..

I one more blog which you might like ..

Let me  know you blogg too


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