Sorry, I was unable to locate your post. Are you sure you gave me the right url?
For the last 10 to 15 days, i am unable to submit any posts from my approved sites.
Everytime i try to submit a link, i get the following message
Sorry, I was unable to locate your post. Are you sure you gave me the right url? I contacted Indiblogger via the contact form, opened a support ticket but no progress whatsoever :( I also tried logging out, cleared cache/cookies, logged back in and tried. But still the same. Any help is appreciated. FYI, the posts/website works very well because they are shared in other places (fb/twitter/g+) without any issues whatsoever.
Reason: fixed incorrect dates
Absolutely nothing has been changed on my sites.
Your post link and the blog url should match when you post. I hope you match the "Your blog" and "Permalink to your blog post" while posting. Since you have three blogs , I just guess it could be one of the reason.
The blog and the permalink matches. I have been submitting to Indiblogger for a long time now. So that is the first thing i do. Choose the correct blog and then post the permalink.
And i can say for certain that it is an issue from my end. The blog, permalink, title, category, description, tags are all entered correctly.
My last submission was 2 weeks ago and since then i have been getting the above error. So i do not think i would have been posting it incorrectly for the last 2 weeks without checking all the basic details.
That's kind of weird. Is the same thing happening with all the three blogs or just one of them?
It is happening to all the three blogs on my account. :(
Hey. Just tweeted about this issue to indiblogger, here's hoping someone bumps in here soon and resolves your issue super soon - Don't worry!
You are on wordpress right? Did you install some wp security plugins recently which block bots and similar things?
Thanks Arti :)
Except for one site, the other two have been on wordpress ever since they have been started (5+ yrs ago). The 3rd one has been on wordpress for 9 months.
The only plugin that was installed in the last 2 weeks is Brute Protect otherwise the sites have iThemes Security installed for over 9 months.
I tried disabling brute protect but still the same error.
Looks like your blog posts (I tested this one "" using this tool) are returning a 403 forbidden error when no user agent is provided. I've made a small change to IndiVine, could you try submitting one of your posts again please?
@Arti - thanks for the heads-up!
Now it works fine. Thank you so much.
I will check if it is because of any of the security plugins installed.
@Arti - Thank you too :)
Good job, Renie and welcome back to IndiVine, Praveen; I am happy I could help.
I too have the same problem. My…-and-tolerance/ is not accepted.
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