New IndiRank
My IndiRank is down from 81 to 56 in the latest update
1. MozRank is up from the previous update (upside)
2. Alexa is slightly down from the previous update (downside)
3. Frequency of Posting is Very Good (upside)
4. Last Updated is slightly down again (downside)
5. External juice passing Links are up from the previous update (upside).
I'm curious about how three upticks and a couple of downticks have resulted in the rank going down from 81 to 56
Vyankatesh, please remove the link of your blog. We are not allowed to post links to our blogs on the form threads except when necessary, and here, it's absolutely not, I think.
There is always an option to open a support ticket I guess regarding this.. Some time Indi guys manually calculates the rank for those where their secrete algorithm screws up
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