How to get some good customized blogger templates?
I desperately want to customise my blogger template. I live in Coimbatore. I tried contacting web designers who charge 20,000 minimum. I only need a customised template and nothing else.
Some websites which offer pre made templates dont suit me. Is there any other remedy. Experts pl guide?!
Why not try customizing it yourself?
It is afterall, only you who knows the best how you need it, so, you can give it a try. Once you're in for the adventure, you can always get help from the community. First of all, you need to choose a theme which you want, and then decide what all you need to change in it, and you're good to go.
Good luck!
Thanks for the reply CK. I tried everything but I am not getting the end result I want. I am ok with the theme and all.
The main concern is my header space and the ads occupy most of my "above the fold area". I want to change it. Tried a lot of tutorials available online but in vain. I want to effectively use the space. I want my banner ad to be placed parallely to my header.
I need my pages to be placed on the extreme top of the webpage etc.., I am not sure where to find a solution for all this.
So you basically want to rearrange the sections on your blog and change their sizes? May be I can help you if you pay me for the work ( I will charge much less than 20k ) You can contact me on IndiMail or on my yahoo mail id.
Yes. Ask all your questions on IndiTalk or on this thread itself
Ranjith, don't you think promoting yourself on IB amounts to SSP
NSV you sooo right
Tinku go for a professional template maker. I know one if you want I can give you his details
Thanks all.. You are all awesome... Ranjith and Vijay have mailed u both. Special thanks..
Welcome TS