Spam issue on my Facebook
Recently I have this problem when posting blog link on my Facebook time line.
Am getting this message:
"Facebook thinks this site might be unsafe. If you are not familiar with it, please provide feedback by marking it as spam"
By getting such a message, my readers are having hard time to visit my blog.
What is the best solution to overcome this problem?
Thanks for help.
Others too are facing this issue. Maybe, checking such discussions might help you out resolve the issue. Here are a few to start with:
A Quick Google search will yeild more results. Maybe, this has something to do with some malware or rogue widget on your blog, that FB might be blocking.
Thanks CyberKid. I did remove some of my widgets but still the problrm remain the same.
Will look into other ways to solve this issue..
T&T Post a link on your FB time line and get 10 of your close friends to mark it as non spam. That will solve the issue
Thanks VP for the solution. Wll check it out whether it works...
Try to debug the link using this tool
and probabyly it will clear out any cache on Facebook servers..
Thanks, will try it out.
I did remove some of the widgets but still getting the same problem. Now after few weeks my FB page is back to normal. Not sure how that happen..
some pne must have reported that as spam
Am getting the same problem, I can't post my url on Facebook, they asking me to code some captcha before if proceed.
Have tried to de-bug but the problem still occur. What is the best solution?
try url shortner = ramban ilaz
I did but that doen't work.
Try using other url shortners!!
wow.. never faced any such issue..