Needed: Category 'Population' under 'Social Causes'
Dear bloggers,
Many of us are aware of the perils of population explosion in India. We are all concerned, but unable to figure out what to do. Awareness creation is an important aspect to reach out to the urban folks to think about how this can be addressed.
As everyone is already aware, it's the no. of people which is affecting every aspect of the quality of our lives in India - Education, Jobs, Environment, Food, Water, Energy, Space to live, and not the least - the affect on the other lives like animals.
There are several steps that one could individually take to help address the situation. One of them is blogging - and the reach out is quite dramatic. There is wealth of information available in the Internet about the India population data and the various organisations working on the ground to address this problem. So, blogging using this information and introducing the organisations to the public through the blog is very important.
I request IndiBlogger admin. team to create a category called 'Population' under 'Social Causes', so that the topic gains visibility, and bloggers are inspired to write and read about it.Thanks & Best Regards,
Venkat Ramakrishnan.
Reason: Removed link
Sir, I'd request you to kindly remove the link to your blog. It is not needed at all, plus, is not allowed as per the forum rules. Anyone who wishes to visit your blog ca do so by visiting your IB profile page.
Secondly, regarding your query about adding a new category, I'd like to say that there are virtually hundreds of topics to blog upon, and these topics are limitless, so, even if the admins add one category as you wish, there are a number of thise which aren't covered. This is my opinion, and I do not intend to say thay your query is not justified.