Star Rating

Rahul Suresh
Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

Hi.. Im rahul Suresh ..

I would like to know that .

How star rating and how our blog gets featured here on indiblogger please..


Edited 10 years ago
Reason: updated
Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
from India
10 years ago

Rahul, please remove the link to your blog. It is not allowed.

As far as the star rating is concerned, there are two different ratings here on IndiBlogger. One is a part of the ranking system of IndiBlogger, called IndiRank, which takes into consideration various statistics related to your blog registered here with IndiBlogger. These statistics are Alexa Rank, MozRank, Frequency of posting on your blog, internal and external pagelinks to and from your blog. The system ranks all the registered blogs on a monthly basis, expected dates of which are declared with every indirank update. This rank  (IndiRank) is shown by  against each blog. The other one is IndiVine, where the IndiBloggers post their latest blog posts to let fellow bloggers know about their latest posts, and read/vote for these posts, if they like it. The number of votes are shown by:

So, it's in your hand how you maintain your blog to achieve better statistics from services like Alexa and SeoMOZ which in turn will affect your blog's IndiRank too.

Rahul Suresh
Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

ok ok..

Thank you Cyber kid

from Mumbai
10 years ago
Remove the link from thread description as CK has instructed. Or else IP will have to take corrective action.
Rahul Suresh
Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago


from India
10 years ago

You have to remove the link 

Owner at http://*******.com

It's against Indoblogger's forum rules for members.

from Bangalore
10 years ago

rahul,you have put your blog link in your  discription post,which is against to forum guidlines.Ck also mentioned it clearly in his reply.Please edit your post and take out the link :)

Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

Thank you Knitha... :)

from Bangalore
10 years ago

If not Indipolice Aka IP will lock this thread and delete it eventually on SSP grounds :)

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Actions should be taken swiftly. Either remove the link or delete it. The same answer is given in 100 more threads.

Rahul Suresh
from calicut
10 years ago

ok bro...

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