Huge variation between adsense pageviews and blogger page views. Why?

tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

My average pageview per day is 1000, adsense shows only 200 or so. This is happening only now very recently. Earlier when I was in blogspot the variation between the two was much less. Is this normal ? Anyone has similar issues ?

What shall I do ?

Replies 1 to 11 of 11 Descending
from India
10 years ago

Probably because usually the pageviews count as per the blog analytics algorithms shows the traffic details including the visits by human visitors, automated visitors (bots) like referral sites and visits by search engine bots, and since visits by these things are of no use for advertising platforms like adsense, the traffic data recording algorithms used there exclude the visits, that it thinks are automated, and hence the difference. It is perfectly normal to see this huge difference between the two.

You can use better dedicated Analytics softwares like Google Analytics or Bing Webmaster Toolbox to get more accurate details of the traffic to your blog.

tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Thanks for the Reply CK. But my analytics shows the same page views as my blogger. Surprised

from India
10 years ago

Ok, then, someone having a google adsense account might be able to shed some light on the difference. Smile

Usually, the number of pageviews shown by blogger is quite different from the the one shown by google analytics. Atleast in my case, it's like this only. As of now, by blogger dashboard shows 31 pageviews while my GA dashboard shows 6 pageviews, so, there's a huge difference.

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Tinkuji not all of your webpages serve ads.  Check the percentage of ad requests on your adsense dashboard.  It is normally in the range of 95 %  Also ads are delivered to only human visitors whereas blogger as well as GA tracks pages views as soon as its JS gets executed.

Adsense only records visitors who actually see the ads and are humans - it doesn't track bot visits or people with text browsers or javascript turned off, or people with adblockers turned on

Dont worry I too get a different analytics not so huge but do get it

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago


from hyderabad
10 years ago

Let's fight Tongue out

blogger as well as GA tracks pages views as soon as its JS gets executed.

The above statement is true for GA but not Blogger. Blogger uses server side code for tracking visitors - JS does not play any role. Cool

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago

R, still :-/:-/:-/:-/:-/:-/

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith blogger has default js which is executed Yell

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Pankti Happy :-/ing Tongue out

Vijay link 

Blogger stats are based on all the traffic to your server (the computer on which your blog is stored).Your server gets A LOT MORE traffic than your blog, because server traffic includes all the visits from robots, spambots, crawlers etc.When a robot visits your site, this is recorded in your server logs. It's not a "true" visit since the page is not fully loaded, so it doesn't show up on StatCounter.So server-side stats (like Blogger) will always appear inflated compared to online stats (like StatCounter) - but generally it is the online stats, the "true" visits that people are interested in. After all, it's these visits that might mean more sales, more sign ups etc. ~Stat Counter

Blogger stats doesn't count good well behaved bots like Google Search bot, adsense bot etc which reveal their identity while requesting pages. Bad bots like referral spam bots hide their bot-identity, so they are counted as humans by blogger. GA doesn't count those bots because those bots are not clever enough - they can't execute JS. Of course, one can build a clever bot which can execute JS or one can build a bot which registers a page view in GA ( which would be much easier )  ~Ranjith


tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Ok thanks Vijay.

tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

@CK Laughing agreed ! Thanks

from hyderabad
10 years ago


Separate JavaScript code - Not an appropriate reason in this scenario.

Iframes - All browsers support iframes

Security (blocking) software - The most likely reason - People are using Ad Blockers

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Read this article. Nearly 20% of internet users use ad blockers. Now, you might have to think about the remaining 60% missing impressions. Innocent

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Tongue out Already answered Undecided

from hyderabad
10 years ago

But no one answered about the 60% Undecided

Arindam Sarkar
from Kolkata
10 years ago
Also opera mini users on mobile never see ads. Like me. :) But it hurts bottom-lines like mine. :(
tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Ok should I report this variation to google or shall I let go? Yesterday my adsense views are just 65 while my analytics says 1432. 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Check with few other people having adsense if they too get such huge difference in the analytics. ( Posting on Google Adsense forum may help )

And, you are using Google Analytics and not Blogger analytics, right? 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Is mobile template activated for your blog? ( Template > Mobile > Settings button ) 

tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Yes Ranjith I am using google analytics. Thanks for the reply. Will post on google adsense forum. 

from hyderabad
10 years ago


tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Yes Ranjith mobile template is activated.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Ads will not be shown on mobile templates right? 

Check the percentage of your mobile visitors from your Google Analytics account - Audience > Mobile > Overview

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Tinku adsense forum is useless.  You mobile web page is not optimised for adsense or viewing.  you can add ?m=1 after the url to see the mobile version on your desktop.  You will see that there is one small ad unit on the top and one big one at the bottom.  I dont think the JS of bottom one will ever get executed because it is way to down for views. If you want to see a optimised page check this out

from hyderabad
10 years ago

How did I forget that ?m=1 thing Surprised Thanks Vijay Laughing

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Thank you for thanking me RanjithSmile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Tongue out

tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

@ Vijay : I can see ads on my mobile version. but what change shud I make to my mobile template to have ads like the link u have shared?

@Ranjith: Mobile Users percentage is 14%


Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

 You should get a xml guy to look into this Ask Ranjith give him a 1 rs tofee and he will do it๐Ÿ˜†

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Vijay Yell

tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Thanks Vijay.

Ranjith Help Pl !! Innocent

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Send me the template. I'll do the changes in 1-2 weeks. ( busy with exams Undecided )

tinku shaji
tinku shaji
from Coimbatore
10 years ago

Thanks a ton .. Sending the template today Cool

from hyderabad
10 years ago


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