Is it allowed to open thread regarding help to particular individual

There is no dearth of people in need. Be it financial assistance, family torture, one sided story projections, manipulation of human sentiments towards a cause of personal choice. Are they allowed to be brought up to light via a creation of thread on this forum. If yes, then people can swarm forum with help topics as I myself have multitudes of needies sorrounding me. Some to the extent son has kicked father and mother out of business and property. Healthy debate friends.
Edited 10 years ago
Reason: Afterthought
Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Descending
from India
10 years ago

No Comments! Undecided

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
10 years ago

Best answer Smile

from hyderabad
10 years ago


TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
10 years ago

This is like asking whether it is fair for ambulance to skip the queue and get past us in peak traffic. What will happen if the entire road gets filled with ambulances - can we ever be able to travel on the road ?

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

As an IndiPolice and IndiMember, I do not for sure want to see a flood of such requests on the forum. Our forum's primary objective is not this. Having said that, and among the ones who also created such a thread, I see it as a effort from others. 

We see a lot of such help posts on Facebook, people circulate messages via Social apps like WhatsApp and Twitter etc. Many ignore and many respond with some action. For sure I cant comment on should these be allowed or not because I have done so myself, and the community at large have to reason their opinion on what they feel about. 

In my case, I posted a message for help to a person who I knew personally, I had interaction with and grew 2 years with him sharing the same room. I wanted to help him through his bad times and I had seen how hard he worked for his living. 


I know you very well Hemal, and understand your plight before putting up the thread and the mental torment you must have been through. Because a sincere needy doesn't come up for help even. Yours was a case a lot different and by God's grace it was resolved and closed. There wasn't any blockage from your part if someone wanted to enquire something. Everything was crystal clear and well wishers and supporters rushed in knowing the genuine dilemma.
There are many cases of frauds raking money via the latest platforms and innovations. I brought up this thread just so that some clarity in posting financial help threads. It should come up by inditeam itself only, afrer their scrutinizations etc.
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I agree with this suggestion though. If, at all, need of any such help is required, it should be routed via IndiAdmin/Renie so that proper scrutiny is done.

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Since we have started it in the first place, allow it as long as it doesn't go overboard. Now, if all of a sudden a new rule is made, its just not going to look right. Sometimes people need help. This should be judged on a case-to-case basis.






Ofcourse if we had a better forum layout, a lot of all these problems could have been laid to rest.

People are selling sympathy now a days just like some are selling God. They have to make it look like a tortured and leftover by near kins to make people chip in help. They cleverly makeup make beleive stories and fool people. There must be some check. They may be able to fool crores of people by fooling some intially. There are genuine cases no doubt.
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
10 years ago

If that's the case then it shouldn't have been allowed in the first place. Now, some people have posted similar threads, even personally vouched for it. But if someone else in the future has the need to do so, and he or she won't be allowed to do so? Selfish, no?

They can route via inditeam TS,
from New Delhi
10 years ago

Three points which I would like to make -

1.Since these kind of posts have already been posted so I won't prefer to comment on them.

2.I feel there should be some guiding rules rather than binding rules for these kind of posts. Giving a general guidelines for these posts will help in keeping the forum clean.

3.The judgement that certain cause deserve attention and help should be left on the wisdom of the reader, if he feels the cause is right then he may donate and help accordingly and if he thinks it doesn't he would ignore it and the thread will be lost in oblivion.

Wisdom of reader gets influenced by the content written. Now in content writing the people who need to acheive their fraudulent ends create an fictitious atmosphere and a sorrowful world to attract pity.
from New Delhi
10 years ago

Agree but verifing every thred is also not possible. The readers who are willing to donate should ask the required questions. 

As I said having guidelines for these threads will be really useful. For example - they would have to give all the information which is asked in the thread and you can create create many such guiding rules.

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