Approval of new blog
I have started another blog. Unfortunately before I had 5 posts, I tried to add it to my profile and it got rejected. However, when I again tried to add it after having 5 posts in it, the system is not accepting it. I have already opened a ticket about it last week but no action until yet. What shall I do in this situation?
Fairy Princess
How to nudge them gently?
Email them with your incident number
DS, I'd appreciate it if you can keep it open until my blog is approved. Otherwise this thread will be locked without my blog being approved for ages!
Don't worry just keep posting. I had a similar problem but it got passed in few days. :)
Keeping fingers crossed!
You should create a thread on the forum which you have already done.
Or Tweet to Renie and Shout Renie Renie
For this, I will first need to remember my Twitter password. Then look for Renie and then shout...sigh!
@renieravin but I dont know your twitter password