Suggest a random topic
Hello people! I'm hoping you could spare a few minutes to humour me a little bit.
If you could suggest a topic that all IndiBloggers will blog about, what would that topic be? Please suggest as many topics as you can think of; and if you like a topic that someone else suggested, please tell them so.
Biographies of working class heroes (a teacher who inspired you, your postman, a firefighter, your hardworking neighbour, you mom)
I'm surprised you haven't tried to find out!
1. You got up early today and you were feeling sleepy. You didn't knew what you were doing.
2. Using it for an upcoming contest.
3. Making an IndiVine trending topic.
4. New section on IndiBlogger for writing prompts.
5. Promoting #ConditionSeriousHai
I can't think of any more reasons.
@IndiBloggers Add your reasons
I feel that this is something serious as it has been made sticky.
option 1...sleep typing??
@Ranjith - Ha ha!
I said try, not guess! (Athough one of your guesses is pretty close!)
Also, I did get up early today.
try and not guess? That is Detective ND's work.
and how does one try? mind reading? telepathy?
I might get a dream today night about the reason behind this thread.
And I hope that you will break the suspense soon.
What will you do if you are in the place of Krishna?
Krishna (Sivaji) is a sand sculptor in Goa. He meets Satyabhama (Bhumika Chawla), a tourist at a coffee shop and falls in love with her at the first sight. They become friendly in no time. But, when he meets her again the next day, she treats him as a stranger. Then he realizes that she is suffering from Short Term Memory Loss and her short term memory gets refreshed every day. She remembers only things that happened prior to 22 August, 2006 when she met with an accident. For her, everyday is the 22nd of August, 2006. The rest of the story is all about how Krishna makes Satyabhama fall in love with him again and again on daily basis.
Movie - Sathyabhama ; Text taken from here
Use the phrase 'Manam okka roju mundu kaliste bagundu' ( I wish that we had met at least one day before the accident ) as many times as you can to impress me.
Why does this sound like 50 first dates?
Yes, the story was taken from that movie only. But the Telugu movie is much better than the English one.
wow! found a co-telugite. yeah, manam munde kalisunte bagundu(modified) ;)
This is the only topic that I can think of, that all bloggers can write upon.
Why do I blog?
Lovely! I have already written two posts on this theme for different contests...
The topic I'd like to suggest is : Which music piece/genre of music describes you best?
What all would you do if you found out one day that you have turned into a super hero?
"Life-What are we but stories"
We could all blog about things to write on.. topics are always endless
Ah ha! I second this!
This thread may be related to this topic: We had blogging challenges thrown to each other.
hmm..all bloggers want prizes..but as it was confirmed in Bloagadda meet, bloggers should not dream of making enough money to survive only on blogging. No one in India earns that much money to have blogging as a career.
btw..Bushra - Did u attend the Blogadda conference yesterday??
"Blogging ke side effects" - Blog about the side effects of exessive blogging you have experienced to date.
This would be nice :D
why 34? 43 things!
Each one of us can be alloted a fellow blogger and we can write a post, from their perception, about their lives.
"Walking in their shoes"
something like that!
walking in the shoes!!! This is good.. I already write on this :P But I walk in shoes of abstract stuffs like "full stop"
Whatever was the motive of asking for topics, one thing's for sure.. I have a month's quota of topics to write on.. Woo hoo.
"See the world without you"- A take on how the axis will change when we are no longer here.
This is my highest ever activity rate in a single time frame in this forum. :D This thread is good.
i love this one
Amazing topic! Would love to write
I am so dumb i don't even know how to spot the reply button here.. it pops randomly somewhere :/
Anyways, answer to
"how will you be dead after killing a few ghosts?"
I will scream.. "high pitch teenage girl shouts".. kill a few ghosts with ultra sonic sound frequency and then die being scared :of ym own voice :D :D
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no she'll kill a have problem with that?
(Because I still can't spot the DAMN reply button!!)
I KILLED a bat once.. okay I didn't.. but I saw a bat being killed.. bats are related to monsters and ghosts.. so, HEYYy I cna kill a ghost.. but the ghost must be "HE", Mean and should have UGLY :grammar P :P
the ghost must be "HE"
ghosts are unisex ----after they discard body they lose their gender
lol no.. I assume my ghost ios HE.. I don't like killing girls.. esp what if the she-ghost would have loved pink.. its like breakin' the girl code :D :D I will assume the unisex ghost is she.. THIS ONE I WILL WRITE NOW.. yayie.. thnakie hankie for the topic suggestion.
here it is (your reply button):
Oh, I see Ranjithpedia has already replied
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*(bcoz I still didnt get you)
Lol ye to link list vale din yaad agye :P :D
HOLY GOD RANJITH!!!! Good Lordy, you are what IIT-ian????? But yay thankie I got it now.. chain reply like binary trees :P :P
link list was easy :p
Data Structure was logically okay, but god the programs... "pool of tears" I hate programming even the factorial of a numebr vale :D :D and I was a TCS kudos... Dun know if this is SSP too :D :D Pardon me for my sorry state of knowledge abt rules
This is a different level of SSP! :P
BK Red Black Trees are also easy ... as long as you don't need to understand the logic.
this means it is legal vala SSP :P
coz of the fear of SSP, I don't log in here a lot.. Sometimes, ppl assume and u r abashed even when u r not at fault.. not starting any wars, but bad experiences.. :)
Gangsters in blogging.
Note: Bloggers will be free to interpret this topic anyway. They could talk about plagiarism... or online bullying... or those who do subtle character assisination through posts... the sellers... the promoters...