Why do people outsource comment systems?
I see quite a few blogs using Disqus or even Facebook Comment system on their blog, which are only viewable to the visitor, if javascript is enabled and if you remove them or get banned, then you likely end up losing those comments
Then why do people still use them? Is there a particular benefit, that isn’t available if you are using normal commenting system?
Yogesh every commenting system has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The Disqus offers you way of monetizing your blog through commenting, Facebook commenting is popular with those who have large number of FB followers and similarly for Google +.
I see an advantage of including the facebook commenting system. The advantage that I see is that the comments are centralised and that given both being social networking platforms with a wider reach, there's a possibility of greater outreach. Like when someone comments on your blog using facebook, everyone associated with your fb profile/page will get a notification about a new comment. The other advantage I can see is suppression of chances of Spam/Anonymous comments when using these platforms, as someone having an account only can comment using these plugins, other's can't.
However, beyond the (supposed) disadvantage you outlined, there's another huge disadvantage associated with using these custom commenting systems on blogs. Like for example, I'm having an account with both, Facebook as well as Disqus, and I prefer not to post comments using my FB profile, and I've somehow forgot the password for my Disqus account, thus leaving me no option to comment on a blog, when I want.
I took 20 minutes to post just 10 lines
That's why you don't comment on my blog :|
I use Disqus. I just find it easier and more compact. Also, it allows one to integrate portals like FB, twitter, Google at one place. So, one does not need to have a blogger or a tumblr account in order to comment on my blog, they can just sign in via their respective FB(twitter or google) profile :)
I've removed disqus, but since now I have a xenforo based forum, I've bridged the WP login and comment section with Xenforo's userbase!
Bhavya, that's technical mumbo jumbo, much beyond our understanding.
Ranjith is a technoturd
CK BK is a techie
Ranjith, I know that , but there are things every techie doesn't know.
Different people, different tastes :)
Yes the SEO benefits are inevitable. SEO is more getting linked to the social media day by day, that accounts for the G+ or the FB commenting system. For the disqus or the livefyre commenting system, they add a newer UX as well as come loaded with chances of monetisation as well.
Third party comment system usually offer something EXTRA to your usuall old commenting system
For example Disqus got a superb layout/ design that automatically adapts to your blog and allow your visitors to signin with any social media account ( Faceboook, Google, Twitter etc). In addition they allow unique SEO benfit + additional monetriztion options.
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