Google Pagerank update and Adsense
I bought a domain in Apr2013 and have been blogging for a year. My site finally got a good Google Pagerank (I checkd it on the prchecker info website).
So now can I expect to have Google Adsense account approved? Or does Pagerank has not impact my stand on Adsense (have been rejected twice, I applied last in August)
Ranjith is right, PR is in no way connected to Adsense Ritu
Ranjith, Vijay - Oh that is sad. I thought I may get a slight advantage because of that. Anyway.
Ritu, what is your page rank? Congratulations! I will cross my fingers for you to get your adsense approved soon too.
Thanks Arti :) It might be a bit strange and feel like bragging about it because ths was my first time so I will not state it directly. But I have displayed it on my blog. I hope I get adsense approval. I have been waiting for over a year now!
PageRank is not related to adsense approval but not sure ( I guess high PR can Influence Adsense Team to approve a site ). Also First step adsense approval is done by Adsense Bots, So try to apply using oldest domain. Make sure your Blog looks like a Pro Blog..
add all necessary pages like contact, privacy policy or disclaimer (Include Cookies part) , remove other ads...
and one SEO tip
Add same email ID in Contact Us page which is listed in domain Whois Info or email you used to register domain.
Vishal - I got some really good pointers from your comment. Thank you!
Pagerank gives you position on higher than other in search query.if you think ur pagerank is higher so ur content is good for adsense then it is not correct,because if you are posting some other thing than other,then ur pagerank obvisoly get high becuase no one posting that type of content.So Focus on Type of content for adsnese and focus pagerank for seo.
PR doesn't matter for adsense approval, however here are some points to get fast approval:
1. Add A Privacy Policy Page In Your Blog
2. Add An About Us Page:
3. Add A Contact Page:
4. Clearly Visible Name and E-Mail:
5. Your Age Must Be At Least 18 Years:
6. Minimum Number of Posts must be 70:
7. Design And Navigation must be clean:
8. Content Is King, google looks for unique and useful content:
9. Provide Value To Your Readers:
10. Use A Top Level Domain:
11. Never Use Other Banner Ad Networks With AdSense:
12. Don't Use Paid Traffic or Paid To Click Sites.
Thanks for the info. I think I fulfill all of these criterias. I have heard that they are not accepting beauty blogs right now