IndiTalk On Android

Shantanu Banerjee
Shantanu Banerjee
from Mumbai
11 years ago

I think like other chat and IM applications like Gtalk, FB messenger and all, we should have our Inditalk too on phone, what say guys? IndiCoders can do that right?

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

why not just create a whatsapp group and just be done with it...

Shantanu Banerjee
from Mumbai
11 years ago

That would be great @TS, I have already thought it over. However, I think people would not share their personal number (usually the same as whatsapp number) on a public platform, If anyone has created a group here is my whatsapp number 7890346621, please add me to the group too!!

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago way am I giving my mob. no. to all and sundry. Undecided

Shantanu Banerjee
from Mumbai
11 years ago

@FP: I Kept You In Mind Pankti Tongue outWink

Bhavya Kaushik
Bhavya Kaushik
from Jaipur
11 years ago

Ah! I believe that a standalone Inditalk app would be a better idea than a whatsapp group. Innocent

Shantanu Banerjee
from Mumbai
11 years ago

@BK: Glad someone thinks the same Smile

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