Help with Blogger blog!!!!

from Mumbai
15 years ago

I have a free Blogger blog (it is not self hosted) and I would like to install a template that I downloaded from the net.

How should I go about doing that, the template is in the form of a xml source file.

Thank you

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from Chennai
15 years ago

Go to dashboard->layout->edit html..

Download ur full current template..for safety reasons..

there is an option upload ur template from hard drive..locate ur xml file... click upload..preview it...thats all..done..happy blogging...

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Thank you Shankar, now how should I preserve my old widgets can anyone tell me that???


from Chennai
15 years ago

its a bit difficult job...easy if u know a little bit of html... now dont check ur expand widget templates check box. Please remove if it is checked.

If you have a left side bar search for this code:u can search code by pressing "ctrl+f"

<b:section class='sidebar-left' id='sidebar-left'  preferred= 'yes'>

if u have 5 widgets for example..

u can see 5 lines with tags such as

<b:widget id='html1' locked='false' title='title of your widget'>

Select all 5 lines with widget tag..copy and save it in notepad. now change your template and give confirm and delete. Then once again search for the same section class line...and paste the code u copied in note pad.

remember:If u have gadgets at top of post and below the post or in right side bar copy all the widgets properly from each bar..

please feel free to ask if u didnt understand..

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Thank you can you guys also help me with preserving my followers.


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