Argh! Someone tried to break in!
Someone has been trying to hack into my gmail and wordpress accounts for a while now. Sometimes from Prague, sometimes from Brazil...
Sorting it out with Google and coming up with a gazillion password combinations has eased the situiation.
Have you been the victim of hackers before? What do you do to keep your identity and privacy safe?
Happened with my Twitter 2 days back, it was sending direct messages (spam) to my followers.
Was it because of hacking or because of the apps you have authorised for your twitter account with 'Direct Messages' permission?
Ranjith no Apps other then Google Analytics, WMT and Twitterfeed
Why don't those hackers try to break into my account? Is it because of my longgggggg password?
Ranjith, I bet you must have heard of Brute Force and MD5CRK attacks
I know your password Ranjith
Shadows Galore keep getting attacked by hackers and spam bots. Did three things to safeguard:
1. Cloudflare security increased
2. Maths captcha for bots
3. Stop Spammer plugin
If you are on , you can make use of the two layered security settings to safeguard your site.
I get a lot of hashbrute attempts, of which which I used a plugin which locks that IP address from trying to attempt for the next 360 hours. Banning ip address via Cpanel didn't help since they were using TOR anonymous IP addresses. But then it kept on increasing on a daily basis. So, I've not only changed the login page URL, but I've redirected the old login page to one of the best youtube videos of all time:
This was done 1 month ago, and that old login page was redirected 1800+ times within that time.
Cloudflare didn't do help for me btw.
yes, i got trapped once and my skype and gmail account was hacked instantly. Had to run a 3 days marathon with both to get it back after rounds of verifications and ultimately proving that those were really my accounts.
What I do is - keep my password atleast 12 characters with a combination of caps, small, special characters and numerals.
Thank you guys for all the tips. Creating an iron clad password has given me some reprieve.
Sometimes logging in with two steps... like code sent to mobile number... dosen't always work well for me. But it is a good option if one is extremely vulnerable I guess.
So many brilliant people and I understand so little of the Tech Talk
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