The future of shopping from eBay India! (IndiContest)
We've just launched a 10-day contest with eBay India - hope you like the topic!
The submissions are wide-open still by the way....good bit of leverage by the indi team.
Truly Sammya! Link is open though none of us demanded for an extension!
Proves that Indi Team wants us to submit our entries!
174 entries!
I thought that there will be no more than 100 entries!
Am I the only one who wrote the article as an answer to a question in the exam with side headings?
they asked abt future..i wrote about past
No prize for you!
I started from the past, came to the present and went to the future!
Both our entries look similar! This is what happens when people write about the past.
i also did three..but more abt past my post is unque..
i used in my last section
Looking forward to see some people come here and say that THEIR IDEAS HAVE BEEN COPIED!
Why don't you kick start the "campaign" Ranjith ?
3 months Nandini ??? ah ok.....This was one of the most interesting contests and I hope that Indiblogger will have more of such interesting contests....
She was kidding. No one knows the exact time required for the results to be declared. Some are declared in less than a month. Some take even 3-4 months.
Desperately needed a break from contests and this has served as a good one
All the best everybody... May the deserving win!
You didn't participate?
I too took a break in the Yatra contest.
i took BREAK in Idea contest...
No, i didn't participate. After the 'smelly to smiley' contest my head went blank!
Anyhow....I seriously needed this break!
Everyone cries after taking a break. ND cried for the Idea Pen Drive. I cried for the Yatra vouchers and now, you too are crying.
Just 174 entries ~ I don't think any contest has had just few entries! Maybe the prizes were not attractive enough? Maybe the requirement to use some of your own money to use the shopping voucher was off-putting? Something worth investigating and avoiding such prizes in future contests if this was the case.
for a contest that was open for only 10 days...i think it was okay turnout...
I agree, Nandini.
The Yatra Contest was open for much longer, yet it has 194- just 20 entries more than this Ebay one!
I love the topic & the prizes, especially the 1st prize!
People got excited about the 10 day deadline and participated!
May be next time, it can be a five day contest!
5 day?
1 second
0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second
Contest gets over before we are even aware that it has begun!!!
How will IndiBlogger judge who has won?!!!
I'll be winner before ranjith wins
Ranjith & ND, Please give everyone a fair chance too!
Would love to submit my Post if & when the 'time' is 'right'!
I will be the winner before the contest gets annouced.
still I'll be winner before ranjith wins
@ Anita
Yes, Yes. ND will win a single dosa and I win a year supply of dosas
Ranjith, A Year's Supply of Dosas sounds yummy!
Who's the sponsor? Imagining Dosa prizes for us!
A Dosa a Day...what else can I say?!!!
u get only 1 year supply?..i get life time supply of masala dosa...and after my death all my next generations get lifetime dosas too
ND, Which Contest is giving such unlimited lifetimes Dosa prize? Great to try for the chance!
eBay must be happy that we are not making demands for-
Lifetime-Dosas-Supply-for-unlimited-Generations as prize!
eBay We want lifetime dosa supply.
Dosa ? Mrs. sharma has ordered hot and sizzling caribbean food -right from the Dominican Republic- in a food plane with the oven facility.
It was an order not a prize though.
Umm....well, HOW about a rapid fire blogging contest open for 1 hour? :P
why not 1 minute blogging contest?
ND that's "Blogging in 3015" :P
I like this one..we will see how creative we can will be test for ourselves only
Haha seeing all your comments I can just hope that Indiblogger will also soon have the contest having topic Blogging in 2030 or 2050......
Am sure the Topic- 'Blogging 2050' will be a SuperHit unlike the Hindi-Movie 'Love Story 2050'!
Totally loved writing for 'The Future of Shopping'. Looking forward for more Science Fiction!
Yes, like Super-Blogs!!!
Hey, did anyone else notice this?
There's this new badge which shows up with the current top trending posts:
Ya, I noticed it too! Love the Badge!
i noticed it this morning
Another small question to Renie...the twitter contest has also been closed with the blogging one. Correct?
If yes, is the winner announcement due? :)
May be they are thinking how many vouchers they should give for my tweets.
Dreaming is a good enough option Ranjith! :P Kidding.
Loved the contest... Fortunately I checked it on 13th Sept. Btw when will the results be announced ?
No one knows. It will take anything between one and 3-4 months. ( Mostly, one month )
Ranjith between 3-4 months and mostly in one month. Really no one knows it and I bet no one can predict the result announcement date.
yea ~
I will tell them
So true ...testing my patience :(
get some good score for that test
I am on the way..
Maybe ebay is waiting until 2030 to announce the results so that they can see which entry was the most accurate
Why has Ranjith submitted an entry? I thought that this contest is closed to employees of IndiBlogger and I thought that he IS Indiblogger!
Not that I wrote well..but curious @Ranjith
She was not written well thats why.. !
Not that I wrote well..but curious @Ranjith
I read this..!!
@Ranjith Sad cause I want results ...waiting too long...
BOOM! I guess eBay's busy implementing our much of R&D we have instigated :D
@Renie: Twitter contest winners for this one? 8 winners I guess!
Waiting for the Twitter Contest winners.
Will all the winners be declared together or will it be like the #Yatra #HappyTravellers contest (where 2 Twitter winners have been declared while there still are 3 more to go) ?
@Anita: This is the eBay thread not the Yatra one :-P
SB, Am aware that this IS the EBay thread!
As both are IndiBlogger Contests, I just mentioned the Yatra one as an example to enquire about the eBay one! (Have already enquired about Yatra in its own thread!)
Ranjith, What do you think, Mr.Referee?!
Ranjith always has the answers!
@Anita: Bingo try karo :-P
As per @Ranjith (Mr.Referee), @SB deserves it more!
Wud love to win Masala Dosas as Prize in IB Contests!
Before 2030, should be able to order Dosas from eBay!
No takers for 'Used' Dosas!
Only Brand-New Freshly-made will do!
Twitter winners declared!
Congrats: @positive_failur @TheWittyKid @cyberdyne_101 & @parthasa
Good that you clarified! IB's tweet was mis-leading, it appeared as if those were contest winners
These were winners of tweeting force...
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