The future of shopping from eBay India! (IndiContest)
We've just launched a 10-day contest with eBay India - hope you like the topic!
Oooo swanky !!
Lets get crackin ...
Just 10..? You sure renie..?
I don't think there will be an extension this time!
@ renie.. must be cool .. and hot too .!
congratulations for ?
... you returning to IB after a long break?
I congratulated Renie for showing the conviction(?) that a deadline will be a deadline and not the extendline. ;)
Lol @ avadhoot !
or Deadendable extension.?
Fantasic! Lovely it's time to apply really essence of retail therapy :P
Thanks Renie & eBay India! Great Contest!
I love the 1st Prize! Have always wanted to win an iPhone! Hope this one for me!!!
Interesting topic Renie! :)
I like this topic :D
But I just hope that I would be able to write something before the deadline though! :P
a fun contest after this long but this is a short notice and also no extension of dates ;(
Is the 10 day duration only for this contest or all future contests also?
No lol-ing. What will happen to people like me who depend on extension of deadlines.
Great to see a short deadline! Always works wonders for creativity!
Yes, I do like the topic, and--in fact--have just submitted my entry. My concern is the word length. There is no mention of it in the terms & conditions. My post is 770 words in length. Is that too short or too long?
There is no limit on the word count. You can write as much or as little as you want. 770 words appears reasonable.
This is the first contest that I can relate to - Shopping is my fav pastime!
I have a question, I've just submitted my post, but it doesn't show on Indivine under Lifestyle ->Shopping. It doesn't show in My Indivine Posts either. So I tried submitting it again, but it said I have already submitted this post. Isn't it supposed to show up if I have?
its currently hidden, it;'ll show up after contest ends
@Nandini: Thanks! Silly me, I should have used some common sense on that one! ;)
I want to ask one important thing to Indiblogger Team. Will the time be extended for this competition? I really liked the idea of having 10 days for this competition as people will get chance to show their creativity within a limited time period. Plz try to have most of the competitions for a time period which is of 10 or 15 days......Thanks Indiblogger team...
I realized my dream of writing a fiction through this contest.. it was there in my mind already. Just had to sit and make it fit this contest . Like Ranjith, even I have exams looming over my head.