Bloggers - Would you like to join the Drama?
I run a theatre group in Bangalore. We take our audience feedback very seriously helping us further refine and improve our production. We relish conversations with our audience and love to discuss different perspectives around our performance.
Going by the same spirit, we are planning to celebrate the Freedom of Expression on 15th August'13 by inviting select bloggers for a special performance of our latest play. Bloggers will watch what we call "A Run" of the show, get to experience what goes into creating a play and also engage with the actors/director after the show.
I am looking at inviting bangalore-based bloggers with varied interests to keep the audience diverse but have only limited slots. So if you are interested, please drop a note with your name, contact information and blog details to piyush[AT]
Do let me know if you have any questions.
Reason: Body changed to avoid self-promotion
Hey Animesh, Thank you for pointing that out. The idea behind this post is not for self promotion but inviting interested bloggers to experience behind-the-scenes activity and what goes into creating a play. I understand it comes as a self promotion, but I am interested in providing bloggers the opportunity to interact with the team and for us to learn more from their perceptions.
This is an invite-only events specifically for bloggers. I do not intend to charge or demand anything from them.
Still if you and other moderators think that this is violation of forum rules, I would be happy to pull it down.
I believe you can do that without the link back to your blog. Whoever is interested, can always go to your profile and from there, reach out to your blog. Maybe I'm wrong about that thing without the link.
Thanks CyberKID. Updated the post body to remove all references to the name of the group or the play.
Glad to see the post is still here. I recieved mails from few indibloggers... So thank you everyone.