Indirank lulz! Says last post was made on 13th July but made multiple posts sinc

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Long story made short- using PICTURES!!! :D

My rank is in the 50s. But according to Indiblogger, my last update was on July 13th:


But as you can see, the cake is a lie- BECAUSE:

And from the Review section (custom post section):


So....what's up???

Edited 11 years ago
Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
Prasanna Seshadri
Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

You should've asked, "what is this sorcery?!" Innocent

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Maybe the system is trying to confuse you?

Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

No, the cake is!

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Yeah, its a lie! DAMMIT!!! >_<

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@ TS I think you forgot how IR works after talking a long break. Tongue out

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Ranjith, talking a long break? InnocentTongue out

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Sorc took a long break to talk with his cakes. Tongue out

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

i ate all his cakes, so he is seeing weird things.

from hyderabad
11 years ago


Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Hey Sorcer, July 13 is the edition of IndiRank; "long time ago" is the time of your last post! There is a strange problem with your feed; it's only showing posts from May. After a few refreshes, it shows posts from August. Regresh again, and it goes back to May.

Your feed is a lie! Tongue out

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