Locked Indipolicing, their rights and ours.

I have seen at certain aspects where flamming trolling etc. is there, their intervention is needed and thus it is a great feature and needed one. Now undue interference on a topic, thread category, or futility of it, or why people are commenting at a month long thread even, such interjections by indipolice, is it a welcome step, and should we carry along with such statements as our destiny to live with. Please speak up ypur thoughts.
Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Well Rio - This was exactly what our good Captain was trying to do - Define what IndiPolice should be policing and what not. But people seemed strongly against the idea. So it had to be abandoned.

When responsibilities are fluid and not clearly defined, people with powers will take discretionary calls and do what he/she thinks is right. 

Rules are decided by the management and enforced upon by their team. Now in absence of any concrete guideline, useless or may be useful too, whichever the case may be, discretionary action leads to hurts and touches sentiments. Is this necessary to keep the indiblogger running.
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Well Rio - The reason they kept people and not automated is so that people can use discretion. Discussions on the lines of what Animesh was proposing might have helped identify what is acceptable and what is not through mutual discussions. But his thread was rubished away.  So given that, I think we have 3 options

1. Let current set of Indipolice act as they think best

2. Ask Renie for specific guidelines on IndiPolice activity

3. Appeal to Renie on specific case where you think what was done was not right.

Aditya Dey
Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago
With great power comes great responsibility
True, aditya.
I am reminded of old days story, where teacher tells a student to bring some water in earthen pot. When he started to go, he slapped him hard on the face, and said, "don't break the matka". Now student is perplexed, he says," i have not broken any matka. " Teacher says, this slap will remind you to be more careful.
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Given the fate of the earlier thread started by Animesh, I don't think open discussion is required on this topic. So locking it. Rio - Request you to please reach out to Renie.

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